Recent content by MikeAKGGuy
  1. MikeAKGGuy

    B&W P5 Headphones: An Unboxing of the Bowers & Wilkins P5 Headphones

    I listened to these headphones today at my local Apple store for about 45 seconds on an iPod to music that I was unfamiliar with. The verdict? They sounded okay but are a long way from great. They definitely didn't knock my socks off. These appear to be well-made and were reasonably comfortable...
  2. MikeAKGGuy

    Recommendations for Best headphones on the market (new and old)

    Although I respect everyone's passion and their love of certain products, this thread has gotten pretty far off track. Where this all started was to solicit people's ideas, their impressions and thoughts about serious headphones. Head-Fi has areas dedicated to mobile and to general-purpose...
  3. MikeAKGGuy

    AKG: the road less traveled - K240M, K240DF or K171S?

    The K171 and K 271 Studio are closed-back headphones - the chief virtue of this design is that it blocks out a good bit of ambient noise. Both of these models have very good bass extension with the type of midrange and high end detail that is synonymous with AKG. The K240 and K 141 (both M...
  4. MikeAKGGuy

    Hi-fi headphone stores in Philadelphia, PA area?

    You should also visit Stereo Trading Outlet at 320 York Rd in Jenkintown. The phone number is 215-886-1650. They are knowledgeable good people.
  5. MikeAKGGuy

    k240 and k701

    Yes - I've heard both of these headphones. First of all, I should say that there are very few phones as hard to drive as your K240Ms with their 600-ohm impedance. Their combination of high impedance and low sensitivity require that you have an amplifier with some guts to play them correctly...
  6. MikeAKGGuy

    My K501s have bass!

    I always say this before I write anything on Head-Fi, but I'm biased. That said, I also think the K 501 has pretty decent bass and it is detailed enough that you can easily hear differences in what it's played with. From a psychoacoustic perspective, if a headphone (or loudspeaker) has good...
  7. MikeAKGGuy

    I say the K1000 is THE best headphone for the money!!

    I've heard a number of excellent-sounding amps with the K 1000s, but not the Musical Fidelity. The two best combinations I've heard with the K 1000s are the Sophia Electric Set One and the Mark Levinson/Red Rose Music Spirit. With the K 1000s, you don't need massive power (anything above 10...
  8. MikeAKGGuy

    I say the K1000 is THE best headphone for the money!!

    This amp definitely has enough juice; if it's smooth-sounding, you'll be in heaven, if it's bright or thin, you'll know it quickly.
  9. MikeAKGGuy

    I say the K1000 is THE best headphone for the money!!

    If you ever want an education in "form follows function", download and read the owner's manual for the K 1000. In it the chief engineer describes exactly what he wanted the product to do and tells how he manipulated each and every facet of its performance to achieve exactly what he was...
  10. MikeAKGGuy

    I say the K1000 is THE best headphone for the money!!

    I think the K 1000 has good low-end response, although the amount and quality of the bass is heavily dependent on what you power them with. I also agree that the power requirements of the K 1000 are often overstated - quality is much more important than quantity. The best amp I've ever heard...
  11. MikeAKGGuy

    akg k271

    The K271 is a little harder to drive, although the sensitivity and impedance are the same. It's like driving an acoustic suspension speaker vs a Thiele-Small vented model. The K 271 will benefit from a better amplifier, although you don't necessarily need one just to play it.
  12. MikeAKGGuy

    Headphones for airplane

    I have never hidden the fact that I work for AKG and I have never used my membership in Head-Fi as a platform for any business activity. I never slam my competitors or make claims about our products in any forum. I stated my personal experience (and pain) with in-ear 'phones honestly and...
  13. MikeAKGGuy

    Headphones for airplane

    There are a number of people (myself included) that find that pushing in-ear cans into my ears excruciatingly painful. My mom told me never to jam anything into my ears and the advice she gave me has always been reliable. I respect the fact that many people use these devices without...
  14. MikeAKGGuy

    AKG K 27 i's Problem

    The K27i is merely specified closer to actual performance - (all AKG products will meet or exceed their specs).
  15. MikeAKGGuy

    AKG K 27 i's Problem

    Let's see - the drivers are the same, the ear cups are the same, the acoustical design is the same. Yeah - that's what I'm saying - there's no sonic differences - only cosmetic ones.