Recent content by MiG(TM)
  1. MiG(TM)

    New Shure SE215 - First Impressions

    Just wondering. Thinking of getting into the IEM game again and either these or the SE315 would be my choice. Are the 315's better than the 215's? I only ask as here in the UK they are £99.99/£139.99 respectively, so not much of a jump in price.   Cheers, MiG
  2. MiG(TM)

    New limited edition Future Sonic Atrio's   Only seen these mentioned here.. They same like an they have a decent price-point and have new drivers...    Was always found of the Atrio's so surely these must be awesome   Anyone know...
  3. MiG(TM)

    My list of UI improvement suggestions and whatnot

    I don't like the inconsistent fonts and the wideness of the forums, which on big monitors makes lines too wide thus making it a pain to read.    The whole thing just seems harder to read to me.    Theres also so much bloat been added I don't know where to start...   And why are...
  4. MiG(TM)

    Victor HP-FX500 Review: World's first Wood Canalphones

    Right, just got these back from a warranty repair, took a while but now I have a brand new pair Upon opening the box, I have noticed a few changes: - The headphone cables seems different, a bit more flimsy, but there are no microphonics at all so far. This is from a quick test but i'll be...
  5. MiG(TM)

    Shure SE310s - great price, but is there anything better for the same cost?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Fenrix Wow, quick response. Thanks, I'll look those up Oh, another note. I'm an avid metalhead; are any of those in particular better for heavier music? EDIT: thanks, MiG, I'll consider it, but I'd REALLY rather not spend very much more than £100...
  6. MiG(TM)

    Shure SE310s - great price, but is there anything better for the same cost?

    Advanced MP3 Players Shure SE420 Sound Isolating Earphones The SE420's are only £126. Personally would think this is the better deal
  7. MiG(TM)

    best headphones for BASS type music( Trance, techno etc. ) :D

    I find that EQ is the only way to really get da BASS. Any decent headphone will seriously thump with decent EQ.
  8. MiG(TM)

    Repairing/Replcing Denon C751's

    Quote: Originally Posted by Leonard The website is now showing the silver ones as costing only £9.97 in-store so I suggest printing the webpage out and rushing to your nearest branch with it (just in case they try to charge you more). £10!!!!! Might have to pop down to my nearest...
  9. MiG(TM)

    The "I only have one pair of ears" thread

    JVC Victor FX500 Shure SRH840 IEM's tend to not last that long so i'll usually upgrade or try something new when they break.
  10. MiG(TM)

    Sennheiser CX300 II from ebay

    Quote: Originally Posted by juancitofrusciante Why is so cheap in the UK? For example in Spain and Germany are around € 35 (65% more expensive) :O No idea The CX400-II here are only £18.
  11. MiG(TM)

    Sennheiser CX300 II from ebay

    Who know's, just buy the genuine thing for £13: Sennheiser CX 300-II Precision Noise-Isolating: Electronics & Photo
  12. MiG(TM)

    JVC/Victor FX700 - The Successor (early Easter Bunny brought something very nice!)

    If these weren't well over £200 to import i'd give them a go, for that money your competing with the best universals, triple fi, shure 530 etc. Are they at that level?
  13. MiG(TM)

    Just ordered the Denon C751

    Quote: Originally Posted by mark2410 AMP3 has them for £70 atm, pcworld had them for £50 but they wont ship them anywhere. Just been on their website and it says they are unavailable? Will they be this price in-store?
  14. MiG(TM)

    Help me find an IEM...

    Yeah I thought about the IE8, but they look stoopid I don't like over the ear cables neither! I think i'm never going to win this war but cheers for the help!