Recent content by meepror
  1. meepror

    KSC-75, iGrado or PX100/200?

    Really liking the description of the Koss sound. I think I might be sold on them... but part of my heart still yearns to try Grado as I've just read so much 5* rating propaganda on them and am dying to see if they're as good as toted to be. Though the iGrados are a bit of a plop-plop version...
  2. meepror

    KSC-75, iGrado or PX100/200?

    Thanks for all the responses! Yeah, I understand it's all to do with personal taste but the PX100s just felt way too subtle to be anything special; I guess my ears are nowhere near as sensitive as yours seeing as I've been bludgeoning them with horrifically bad headphones and speakers all my...
  3. meepror

    KSC-75, iGrado or PX100/200?

    Based on sound the KSC75's are in the lead; followed by the PX100's with no votes for the iGrados. Going with comfort the PX100's are in the lead followed by the KSC75's and with no votes for the iGrados. And the PX200's obviously in the lead for isolation as the other 3 are open designs...
  4. meepror

    KSC-75, iGrado or PX100/200?

    Which do you reckon performs best? Which do you reckon leaks the least sound? Which do you reckon is most comfortable? Admission: I have a rather big head with lots of hair on top.
  5. meepror

    Where should I go after Sony MDR-Q22LP + iPod?

    Hi there, Thanks for the response! I was really worrying I wouldn't get one because this board moves so fast! I've had a look at the KSC-75s and am a bit worried about the sound leaking while commuting. The design seems to be almost identical to my old Sony ones and those leak terribly. (I...
  6. meepror

    Where should I go after Sony MDR-Q22LP + iPod?

    Any opinions? *looks embarassed*
  7. meepror

    Where should I go after Sony MDR-Q22LP + iPod?

    Hello all you audiophiles! I fear I am but a philistine amongst thy ranks and I come to you for advice! I have been wearing the very comfortable but ultimately & tremendously grainy and boring Sony MDR-Q22LPs. I am guessing most people here won't even know which these are as they're no name...