Head Gear Reviews by McCol
  1. iFi Audio ZEN Phono 3 Turn On Tranquility

    5.00 star(s)
    Disclaimer This unit was loaned to me for review purposes, thnak you to Karina and iFi-Audio for the opportunity to review this product Background I've not used a separate phone preamp for a number of years and the last couple I owned were disappointing with poor background noise levels and poor functions. Up until recently I owned a turntable that I felt didn't really require a phone preamp other than the inbuilt preamp in my Yamaha integrated amplifier. Then I bought the Rega 50th Anniversary Planar 3 turntable. When paired with my Yamaha I...
  2. iFi audio ZEN DAC 3

    5.00 star(s)
    Disclaimer I was sent the Zen Dac 3 to demo and review, this will be sent back once review is complete. A short but sweet review I'd normally try and write a long review with detials of various apsects of an audio product however the Zen Dac 3 is going to be an exception due to it's wonderful simlicity and brillance at doing what it does. The package is quite minimal and contains the unit with a USB-C to USB-A cable and a RCA inteconnect. The unit itself is very well built and oozes quality at this price point. On the front of the ZD3 is a...
  3. iFi Audio GO Bar Kensei

    5.00 star(s)
    Introduction I don’t think iFi-Audio need much introduction on head-fi anymore, over the last few years they have amassed an array of products covering almost every need you could need for your music and headphones, all bar a DAP! I’ve liked and owned a few of their products, like a lot of products I own, I don’t always keep things a long time bar a few longer term items that just stay in my cycle. The original Go bar’s fall into that category for me. I owned both the standard first edition and the limited edition Gold Go bar. In my quest to find...
  4. iFi audio iDSD Diablo 2

    4.50 star(s)
    For the last month or so I’ve been using the iFi-Audio Diablo 2 DAC/AMP (D2 from this point) to put it through its paces with my small collection of IEM’s and headphones. Given the power on hand with the D2 I probably don’t have any real power-hungry headphones that fully test its capabilities however I do have ear/headphones that scale well with amplification. Disclaimer – I was sent the D2 to review, if I keep it I purchase, it is not a gift. I'm also not one for technical data and tech speak, I just try and describe the sound I hear, I...
  5. iFi audio GO pod

    5.00 star(s)
    My wireless journey I've never been totally convinced by wireless as for me it has always meant a big compromise compared to my wired options. I've tried various different wireless earphones and more often than not struggled with fit, the exception being my Samsung Pro Buds, although even they tend to slip out after a period of time. I've also tried different DAC/AMP options to provide a wireless option, currently using the Shanling H7 but it's not something I take out and about with me. I've also currently got the Fiio BTR7 but again this doesn't...
  6. Shanling H7 Portable DAC/AMP/Player - Wired and Wireless connection

    5.00 star(s)
    Background The Shanling H7 is Shanlings foray into a market which seems light on options but there does appear to be a growing demand for these types of products. In the last year we have seen the iFi-Audio Gryphon and the Fiio Q7. These products are larger and more powerful than your normal USB DAC/AMP Dongles, more expensive and generally can and do compete with DAPS from the mid tier (in my experience). Where the Shanling differs is in it's additon of a SD card slot, this gives the option of playing direct from the unit or via an app on...
  7. iFi audio GO bar

    5.00 star(s)
    I received the standard version of the Go bar from IfI-audio for the purpose of reviewing the product. This was not a gift and will be returned after the review is written. The Gold version I bought after a few days of listening to the standard version. This was bought full price from a UK retailer. IfI-Go bar standard version IfI-Audio are a company on a bit of a roll over the last few years, releasing some excellent products that appeal across the board, other than a DAP they seem to have most bases covered, even more so now that they have...
  8. iFi audio xDSD Gryphon

    4.50 star(s)
    Disclaimer - I was sent this by Ifi-Audio for my honest opinion, it is not a free sample. I will either send back or purchase after review period. Background The Gryphon is IFI-Audio's newest addition to their portable range of DAC/AMPS that can be used either with Bluetooth or wired to a source. My usage has been exclusively with my Samsung S21 Ultra smartphone (UK model). I haven't tested with either of my laptops as I already have options I use with them one being the excellent IFI Senn Signature AMP/DAC duo. I recently reviewed the GO Blu...
  9. iFi audio GO blu

    4.50 star(s)
    Disclaimer - I was sent this by Ifi-Audio for my honest opinion, it is not a free sample. I will either send back or purchase after review period. BACKGROUND The Go Blu is Ifi Audio's latest product, this company feel like they are on a bit of a roll over the last 18 months or so with a steady stream of releases across the market. I already own the Zen Can/DAC Sennheiser Signature pack and I really like the sound quality and function from the duo. I also previously owned the Micro Black Label DAC/AMP and again really enjoyed the sound from...
  10. iFi audio ZEN Signature Set - DAC & Amp

    5.00 star(s)
    About me: I've been using various DAP's, portable DAC's/Amps and earphones for around 20 years, over the last 2 years I've been exploring full sized headphones. Grado's and Sennhesier have been my headphones of choice so far paired with an iFi-Audio Black label Idsd micro DAC/Amp. This is my first foray into a desktop solution. Disclaimer - iFi-Audio sent me this pack in exchange for my honest opinion, pack will be bought by me if I decide to keep. Specs: Full technical specs links and product pages...
  11. iFi audio hip-dac

    4.50 star(s)
    Firstly many thanks to IFI-Audio for the opportunity to sample and review the Hip-Dac. Unboxing and contents The Hip-Dac comes in a nice little box that is quite minimalist in it's packing (not sure about retail version), no little wasteful plastic bags for cables etc. The demo version came with a couple of usb cables to connect to smartphone and a usb input for connecting to PC/Mac. Build quality is very good. No movement or wiggle on the headphone sockets. Volume pot is sturdy with good smooth movement, would have been nice to have had a...
  12. Vibro Labs Maya quad armature in-ear monitors

    4.50 star(s)
    My earphone tastes   I usually prefer an earphone that gives a smooth nuetral presentation with maybe just a wee bit of impact on the bass but not overly so, like my mids and highs to be lush. I never really keep any more than 3 or 4 earphones at one time, I tend to sell products if I prefer a new purchase over current models I may own. At the moment I possess the Fischer Amps FA-4 xb, Flare Audio R2pro and have just recently bought the Fidue Sirius A91.  Recently I have sold the Etymotic ER4sr, Senn IE800 and Aurisonics ASG 2.5. Over the last...
  13. FiiO X7

    4.00 star(s)
    Disclaimer   I received the X7 as part of the UK/EU tour and used for the best part of 10 days before sending on to next person in the queue.  Many thanks to Joe Bloggs and Fiio for the opportunity to preview the X7.   Introduction/About me   I am 44 and have been listening to portable audio since around 1985 when I started out with a Walkman, used cassette walkmans until around 1999/2000 when I bought the Rio 800(think it was this model) and so began a journey of many different DAP's from the early Ipods, Iriver H100 to many different Sony...