Recent content by Mayordean
  1. M

    Deaf in One Ear? Let's Exchange Ideas, Work-Arounds, and Earphones!

    I will try when my meds aren't making me so stupid.
  2. M

    Deaf in One Ear? Let's Exchange Ideas, Work-Arounds, and Earphones!

    I'm pretty sure what you are hearing are phase cancellations and comb-filtering that results from summing stereo to mono. In phase cancellation, some sounds go missing entirely and comb filtering diminishes the volume of others. I scribbled down some observations I've made over the last year or...
  3. M

    Deaf in One Ear? Let's Exchange Ideas, Work-Arounds, and Earphones!

    I can't use cans because anything touching the right side of my face causes unbearable pain. I use in-ear monitors instead.
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    Deaf in One Ear? Let's Exchange Ideas, Work-Arounds, and Earphones!

    It was a surgery on another cranial nerve that runs very close to the auditory nerve. To try to solve my problem, the surgeon ended up cutting off the blood supply to my facial and vestibulocochlear nerves. Alas, the surgery didn't work, but left me with the new problems of a paralyzed face...
  5. M

    Deaf in One Ear? Let's Exchange Ideas, Work-Arounds, and Earphones!

    Living life in mono can be tough on people who love their music and love hearing it as pure as possible through good equipment. I lost hearing on my right side during a brain surgery, and have spent a lot of time looking for solutions to the problems of getting good sound back into my life. I'd...
  6. M

    Pyschoacoustics and Phase Issues Puzzler: In one ear, does summing Stereo to Mono = separate channels of stereo placed in one earpiece?

    This is very helpful indeed. I'll be attempting to make a visit to your hearing clinic when I visit Chicago around Thanksgiving-time.
  7. M

    Stupid question about college

    Lots of good insight and advice in this latest post. I want to underscore the last: a good, broad based education.   Most of your classes will be outside your major. Take advantage of these rather than going for the easiest. Ultimately, you will succeed not because you learned the basics of...
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    Stupid question about college

    I worked in higher ed admissions for more than 10 years and can tell you that most of the advice you've received is sound. Just to echo a bit: you won't have to start over if you complete an accredited bachelor's degree program. You will have to take the GRE and have a very high GPA to get into...
  9. M

    Pyschoacoustics and Phase Issues Puzzler: In one ear, does summing Stereo to Mono = separate channels of stereo placed in one earpiece?

    A question eventually, but first a little background: I'm recently permanently deaf in one ear due to a surgical side effect. For a couple of months now, I despaired at the loss of this hobby until I discovered that both my iphone and computer music server can switch stereo into mono. Things...
  10. M

    Multi-Custom In-Ear Monitor Review, Resource, Mfg List & Discussion (Check first post for review links & information)

    @Mimouille, thanks for the lead on Custom Art and your kind words.   @Mython, these Fabs look promising as well. The sound sig. seems about right. I moved to monitor style iems because the Atrios mg7 was the closest I could find to a quality cord-down model that didn't protrude too much from...
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    Multi-Custom In-Ear Monitor Review, Resource, Mfg List & Discussion (Check first post for review links & information)

    This is an unusual request for assistance in selecting a custom iem, and I was tempted just to send a pm to Average Joe, but just in case someone else has some degree of discomfort with wiring as it exits and loops around the ear, I'll ask publicly. I don't want to be overly dramatic, but this...
  12. M

    A fun exercise (I hope): Which IEMs best define each sound signature?

    Quote: To answer your either/or questions, I'll be a pain and answer "yes."  Which is to say that there are degrees within these (admittedly imperfect) categories.  By analytical I mean that treble is the emphasized portion of the spectrum, frequently resulting in high level resolution of...
  13. M

    Hi and Wow!

    Quote: Very cool to have some personal history on my Linn's.  It looks more like an H, so Helen it is.     Refreshing to see someone with such obvious enthusiasm and respect for a former employer. I still really like the Kans--I'm surprised that there are so few speakers on the...