Recent content by malcolm.mcintyre
  1. malcolm.mcintyre

    EAR HP4

    Although Tim di Paravicini always said there was no point changing the tubes, I definitely feel the top end on mine was improved with some NOS vintage British Brimar valves
  2. malcolm.mcintyre

    iBasso DX220Max ****************** New FW! 1.01 for download! 1st Page.

    To answer my own question. Have discovered that Audi A4 GPS screen is the same dimensions, and there are loads of screen protectors available.
  3. malcolm.mcintyre

    iBasso DX220Max ****************** New FW! 1.01 for download! 1st Page.

    Has anybody found a better screen protector? I would really like a glass one.
  4. malcolm.mcintyre

    Chord Hugo

    I have used my Z1R phones exclusively with a Hugo 1 since I got them. Absolutely excellent pairing and the Hugo has plenty of power to drive them (which my Euro-capped Sony Z2 didn’t) I have just moved to an Ibasso DX220MAX, mainly for the convenience of a one box DAP solution. I think the MAX...
  5. malcolm.mcintyre

    iBasso DX220Max ****************** New FW! 1.01 for download! 1st Page.

    I’m new to the DX220Max, and Android in general, so forgive me if my question is stupid. How do I transfer music files from my Macbook Pro to the internal memory of the DX220Max? When I swipe down and select “file transfer” on the Max, connected by USB to the Macbook, it still isn’t being “seen”...
  6. malcolm.mcintyre

    Focal Utopia - not a fan, am I nuts or missing something?

    I struggled to love my Focal Utopia for quite a few months. Yes they were super detailed, highly resolving, but they didn’t create an easy listening experience. I mainly used my EAR HP-4 tube amp, as I thought this would give me the best option. Almost in desperation I bought a Focal Arche...
  7. malcolm.mcintyre


    I hope you don’t have the euro volume capped model, because I do and it won’t drive the ie800 to useable volumes
  8. malcolm.mcintyre

    EAR HP4

  9. malcolm.mcintyre

    EAR HP4

    I would, but don’t know how to post pictures here. I don’t have a photo website. Perhaps this will work? You can Google “Brimar Footscray UK, and the BVA” to get the history. Might take a wander around the old factory site in case someone left a chest of tubes around
  10. malcolm.mcintyre

    EAR HP4

    I have owned my EAR HP-4 from new for about 10 years, using the supplied stock tubes only, and have always been happy with the sound. Re-reading these threads again, I decided to try some NOS tubes, just so I could dispute the tube rolling claims, particularly as the amp designer clearly...
  11. malcolm.mcintyre

    Chord Hugo

    Suitable batteries are MORE likely to be available in the States than the UK, because the market is much larger. Obviously, it might require a bit of research to find them, using; the capacity, voltage and size, that is if a simple Google of the part number doesn’t produce results. I agree that...
  12. malcolm.mcintyre

    Chord Hugo

    I replaced the batteries in my Hugo recently myself. Total time 20 minutes, total cost less than 40 USD. Hi-fi used to be a hobby for those who enjoyed tinkering with equipment rather than a spending contest.
  13. malcolm.mcintyre


    Very well put. I think we are conditioned to believe that updates are upgrades, but if a device is working properly, why "fix" it. I bought the ZX-2 as a high-end portable DAP with a decent in-built DAC and amplifier, and it still performs well in that role. Incidently, I also have an RX-1, and...
  14. malcolm.mcintyre


    Well I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but when I try 200 Gb cards, the database update freezes at 35 percent, and sticks there. Two different Sandisk cards tried. Not too bothered though, because the SD card slots in my new Audi reads them fine, so I am enjoying 400Gb music storage in the car...
  15. malcolm.mcintyre

    Final Audio Design - F7200 - Impressions/Reviews

    I think the pair I reviewed were pretty well used