Recent content by m11a1
  1. m11a1

    Feedback by 'm11a1' on listing 'Headamp GS-X Mini GSX'

    wonderful communication and very speedy transaction. Item received is in mint condition as advertised. Definitely recommend
  2. m11a1

    Sennheiser HD238: Brief Review and Modding

    Wow, it's been a while for me in this thread, didn't realize there were that much interest for it.    Good work randomkid, looks nice.
  3. m11a1

    How many songs do you have in your music library?

    82,242 according to foobar2000
  4. m11a1

    Suggest me some headphones with good bass that can vibrate and shake your head?

    All this talk doesn't sound safe....I listen to music to relax, not to be punched in the jaw lol
  5. m11a1

    Bijou All Tube Futterman Headphone Amplifier

    Hello, I am looking to build a balanced Bijou and I was wondering what does everyone use for their balanced volume control?    I'm thinking the joshua tree attenuator. Does anyone have any insights to which I should really use?   Thanks!
  6. m11a1

    Sennheiser HD238: Brief Review and Modding

    Quote:   You can get felt from a hobbies/crafts stores. Art stores would also have them as well.  
  7. m11a1

    How much of a realistic improvment from soundcard to Dac/Amp?

      Quote: Zoltan, I also have the A700 and I understand what you're going through. It all started a long long time ago when I initially used the headphone output from my computer to listen to my music. But the sound wasn't great and I wanted something better so I brought myself the X-Fi...
  8. m11a1

    The must-try "benchmark" CD! [link and details inside]

    Quote: You should use RAR for Mac, from there, you should be able to extract the separate FLAC files.
  9. m11a1

    Grace M902, Benchmark DAC1..Headphone amp parts is same ?

    How is that even remotely similar?....You really need the schematics to check otherwise this is just silly
  10. m11a1

    Bose queitcomfort 15

    Quote: Originally Posted by Bilavideo given that their impedence is 73 ohms Where did you get this figure?
  11. m11a1

    Post pics of your builds....

    Your setup looks great equalizer's!
  12. m11a1

    NEW HOFC Copper cable introdcued!

    Quote: Originally Posted by iPhone4G i bet its very very warm sound , btw im first.. can you give me that for example.. cause im first one that is just pathetic.....
  13. m11a1

    Post Your Photography Here #2

    Sorry guys, I made the mistake of posting that picture here since that photo isn't mine. But I took that picture from some photographer/graphic designer web site and I can't remember what his name is