Recent content by LWR999
  1. LWR999

    Astell&Kern A&ultima SP3000

    Quick question... are 2.5mm terminations electrically the same as 4.4mm terminations when using the SP3000. Specifically, if you have a 2.5mm terminated cable is there any benefit on getting a 4.4mm termination of the same cable? I'm purely interesting in electrical/sound quality perspectives...
  2. LWR999

    The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.

    HD800S is definitely my favourite headphone. I like the RAD-0, and it's good for a change, but much darker and closed-in, but nice warmth. I laughed when you asked about Focal Utopia... tried them once and loved them, but everytime "Utopia money" turned up in my bank account, I got pulled away...
  3. LWR999

    The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.

    Been into the hobby and head-fi for a while, but only recently came across The Watercooler. Love putting on some IEMs, running a classic jazz album on my SP3000 and catching up on a coupe of days of posts... Looking for advice. I have a carefully curated collection that I've honed down to the...
  4. LWR999

    Astell&Kern A&ultima SP3000

    Recently bought an SP3000 copper with the A&K Pathfinder special offer. Love both but looking for some help... 1/ I ran a SanDisk 1TB SD card with my old SP1000 without issues. Put it straight in the SP3000, worked for a while, but then boot looped. Formatted the card inside the SP3000...
  5. LWR999

    The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend. Keen to understand people's views on pricing in the classified section. I'm confused about how some sellers have enjoyed items for several months, but expect to sell them used at almost full retail. For example, there's a bundle of three items...
  6. LWR999

    New TOL A&K DAP : the AK Ultima SP1000

    Hi All, I'd quite like to buy a replacement leather case for my SP1000 plus Amp. Anyone know where I can order one? Proving hard to find! I'm in the UK, but happy to buy globally. Thanks
  7. LWR999

    Comment by 'LWR999' on listing 'Bryston BHA-1 Headphone Amplifier (Inc 24 years & 11 months warranty)'

    Curious also...did the BHA-1 add anything to the TT2?
  8. LWR999

    Hugo M Scaler by Chord Electronics - The Official Thread

    The Genelecs sound great. I prefer them to any of my headphones - the soundstage and imaging is particularly impressive The 8050's don't have the Genelec room correction DSP in them and are driven from an XLR connection. I'm almost certain there is no DAC/ADC conversion going on in them.
  9. LWR999

    New TOL A&K DAP : the AK Ultima SP1000

    Just when you think you understand the demographic that buys a beautifully crafted high-end audio player, you see post that reminds you it's a broad church. To recap... Something worked a certain way. Some people asked can it be different No-one asked me Change it back to how it was before Or...
  10. LWR999

    Hugo M Scaler by Chord Electronics - The Official Thread

    As someone who incorrectly re-cabled their set up, and listened to an MScaler in single-BNC mode for a day; I can vouch for the fact that I knew something was not-as-good-as-it-should-be without the Mscaler doing it's thing
  11. LWR999

    Hugo M Scaler by Chord Electronics - The Official Thread

    I am an idiot. The MScaler has 3 BNCs - I had the TT2 being fed from the wrong ones. Fixed now. Sorry!
  12. LWR999

    Hugo M Scaler by Chord Electronics - The Official Thread

    Getting some strange behaviour from my TT2 when connect to MScaler since yesterday... I tidied up my cabling yesterday, recabling my set up (using the same cables as previously). The TT2 and MScaler are connected via DBNC When I turn on my TT2, it's defaulting the input to BNC2. I can...
  13. LWR999

    Hugo M Scaler by Chord Electronics - The Official Thread

    I've simplified my desktop a bit - which has left me in a bit of a transient place with computers. I used to have my TT2/MScaler plugged into a USB port on my MacPro 2013 (TrashCan). The MacPro has gone and I'm temporarily using a MacBook Pro 2018 connected via a single Thunderbolt 3 cable to...
  14. LWR999

    Hugo M Scaler by Chord Electronics - The Official Thread

    I bought these cables - for £35 a pair they were worth experimenting with. I'd say they are a noticeable upgrade on the out of the box cables - same observations as above. Well worth a try.