Recent content by loxtep
  1. loxtep

    Europe Deals Thread

    Philips X2 Fidelio Headphone Down to £200. Save £100   I've been waiting for these to drop in price, pulled the trigger and finally got some.   Can anyone reccomend a sutable amp/dac I can use with these and my m-audio...
  2. loxtep

    Europe Deals Thread

    Anyone seen any deals for hd650's or philips x2's in the UK? I've been searching but no joy
  3. loxtep

    Reply to review by 'loxtep' on item 'Philips Fidelio X2'

    Hey Dude,   Thanks for the great review. I'm really stuck between getting the x2 or the hd650. Could you help me out? If you have a little spare time could you listen to these 3 songs with each. They represent the range of music I listen to and would be really interested to see which you think I...
  4. loxtep

    Headphone and cable help!

    What do recommend for around the same price range?
  5. loxtep

    Headphone and cable help!

    Hey!   I'm looking to get a new pair of headphones and after reading lots of reviews on this website it looks like the 650's are a good choice. I do like a bassy sound will I get this with these? Reviews seem to be split on this.   I will also get a DAC. Will sound quality be affected if I...