Longtime lurker from headwize and head-fi.
Downhill mountain biking, bicycle repair, RC cars, collecting random stuff, airsoft
Headphone Inventory
(current collection in no particular order...) Sennheiser HD 545, Sennheiser HD 25SP, AKG K501, Etymotic ER4P, UE Super-Fi 5 Pro, V-Moda Vibe (puke), Phonak Audeo PFE 112
Headphone Amp Inventory
Fiio E5, DIY WIP current doubled Cmoy in a wanna be mini^3 active ground setup, AMB Mini^3 kit, DIY Laff's Headbanger, the HP jack on my HK AVR 630 (hurray fake sounding Dolby Headphone processing!)
Source Inventory
Home: Custom built PC on AMD platform, output from USB BantamDAC kit or spdif from X-Fi soundcard.
Portable: Sansa Fuze 8GB, iAudio U3 2GB
Other Audio Equipment
Cmoy's modified Linkwitz passive crossfeed (original low-Z version), KRK Rokit 5, HK AVR 630 receiver, custom built 12" subs with 15" PR powered by Audiosource Amp3 and controlled by a Velodyne SMS-1 (EQ and crossover)
Front Desk Agent


We hear with our brain.