Recent content by Limblifter
  1. Limblifter

    Schiit Fulla 2 Impressions Thread

    Fulla 2 handles up to 24/96K so I'm using that.
  2. Limblifter

    Happy as a Pig in Schiit: Introducing Modi Multibit

    Not sure how the rest of the Schiit line up is configured, but on a Fulla 2 I have a piece of electrical tape on the power pin plugged into the computer side USB. Using a battery for USB power.
  3. Limblifter

    Schiit Fulla 2 Impressions Thread

    I have had my Fulla 2 since early February. The pot is scratchy, and it pops on boot up as well. Not overly concerned with the popping on boot, I had another USB audio device that popped on boot up as well. I'm not sending it back to Schiit. I'm in Canada and shipping back and forth would...
  4. Limblifter

    Tidal Masters & MQA Thread!

        Tidal streams MQA through desktop app only.  
  5. Limblifter

    Philips SHP9500 Discussion Thread

    I think they have a gorilla at the factory who puts the pads on.
  6. Limblifter

    Philips SHP9500 Discussion Thread

        Yes mine are the "S" version too.  Only thing they changed was a shorter cord and no carrying case.     The first time you unsnap the ring, it takes some force to do it.  Feels like you are going to break something, but they will let loose.  
  7. Limblifter

    Philips SHP9500 Discussion Thread

      Well that sort of depends on how permanent you want the mod to be.  You have a couple choices;   1.  The stock pads just pull off.  The stock pads are glued to a mounting ring, which just snap off the headphones. The pads are mounted to the plastic ring with glue.  You can then just mount...
  8. Limblifter

    Philips SHP9500 Discussion Thread

        Haven't tried them yet.  Will report as soon as I do.
  9. Limblifter

    Philips SHP9500 Discussion Thread

          The velours tamed down the brightness and increased the bass.  They sound more balanced.  Comfort wise they don't move around on my head any longer.  Increased clamp slightly, the pads are are a little deeper so they hold on to your ears better than the stock pads.  
  10. Limblifter

    Philips SHP9500 Discussion Thread

    I've had a little over a week with SHP9500's with the HM5 velour pads and I really like what those pads do to these headphones.  I liked it so much I ordered another SHP9500 so I can put the HM5 pleather pads on those.  
  11. Limblifter

    Philips SHP9500 Discussion Thread

          I'm in Canada, sale was at for $349.  Back to regular price of $649.  
  12. Limblifter

    Philips SHP9500 Discussion Thread

            Curious on your impressions between the 9500's and the HE400i.  Found the HE400i for a very good price on sale until Friday.
  13. Limblifter

    Philips SHP9500 Discussion Thread

      Modhouse Audio has them listed on their website again;   A couple weeks ago they were listed as out of stock.   I found a person locally on Kijiji (a Craigslist type website) to print them for me.     Here is a link to the 3D print...
  14. Limblifter

    Philips SHP9500 Discussion Thread

    Just received a pair of Brainwavz velour and a pair of the pleather.  Put on the velour ones first.  So far the bottom end sounds way fuller.  The treble is tamed way down.  The mids sound more clear.   Comfort wise they are a major improvement.  The headphones don't move any more.  Ears no...
  15. Limblifter

    Schiit Fulla 2 Impressions Thread

    I'm a little over two weeks in with the Fulla 2.  I still don't notice any channel imbalance, that could be because I usually have the pot at 10 o'clock or higher.   I sometimes notice a very slight scratchiness moving the pot when there is nothing playing.  If i turn the pot up and down a few...