Kyle 491
Headphone Inventory
Sennheiser HD800
Fostex TH-900
Hifiman HE-500
Audeze Open EL-8
Sennheiser HD650
AKG K701
Sennheiser HD595
Headphone Amp Inventory
Icon Audio HP-8 mk2
Bottlehead Crack
Matrix M-Stage
Schitt Vali
Schiit Ragnarok
Source Inventory
Audiolab M-DAC
Xonar Essence STX w/ 3xLME 94720HA opamps.
Note 2
Cable Inventory
Zy audio balanced HD800 Cable
Music Preferences
Well-performed, well-produced and well-mastered music. In other words, I listen to about 10 songs total. Being serious, Classical, Orchestral (including film & video game soundtracks), Progressive Rock, Folk and World Music are some of my most listened to genres, but I will listen to anything that isn't brickwalled, highly compressed and crassly commercialised for the lowest common denominator.