Recent content by kuromina
  1. kuromina

    Completely lost, looking for help to find new headphones.

    I'm willing to save up to 200€/$250/160£ if thats what it takes to get something acceptable quality, but I'd rather not overspend since most can not be returned and I'm stuck with them. By source device you mean what I plug them into? my computer, tv or a stereo system, most definitely nothing...
  2. kuromina

    Completely lost, looking for help to find new headphones.

    Right where do I begin with this   I'm currently using Sennheiser HD465 headphones and I'm struggling to find anything similar to those They have a pretty strong bassy and warm sound, it doesn't have a weak or flat sound like all other headphones i've tried. The cable is very long and thick...
  3. kuromina

    Looking for comfortable headphones with good bass

    First post - Hello Head-Fi!   I've been thinking about trying some new headphones for a while but I need some help first. I wear headphones 2-12 hours a day and listen to a wide range of things (from very bassy music to classical) I need something comfortable that can last a year or two...