Recent content by Keegan360
  1. Keegan360

    Unveiled: Meet the HD 620S

    Will the shipping also include batches being sent to Addicted to Audio in Australia? (That's where I buy most of my things from). Will the pads also be available to purchase through that retailer, or solely through the Sennheiser stores? Wonder how these will sound compared to something like...
  2. Keegan360

    Focal For Bentley Radiance Headphones

    After spending some time messing with EQ and also just listening to how the Radiance sound (stock and EQ'd) I finally got to the settings which I'm relatively happy with (even though the changes I made weren't all that much) Tom drums have more of a bite to them, as do electric guitars (also...
  3. Keegan360

    Focal For Bentley Radiance Headphones

    Yeah I get you. It's actually why I do not like to EQ headphones and if I do, it's usually very minor stuff. With the Radiance, the reason I wanted to EQ it in the first place was to get rid of that peak near 12kHz and the somewhat "shimmer-y" high-end (beyond 16kHz) and to get sounds around the...
  4. Keegan360

    Focal For Bentley Radiance Headphones

    Hey guys, has anyone tried using Oratory's EQ preset for the Radiance? What do you think of the adjustments his preset makes in the 4-8kHz region? On one hand, I like how instruments like guitar and female vocals sound more forward and audible in the mix but on the other, I find it takes a bit...
  5. Keegan360

    Focal Clear headphones

    Just wanted to reply to this and also add some thoughts regarding the ZMF Crescent Snap (Poly) and the Perforated Suede pads (for Clear owners looking to get either of these). I agree with netarg's comments on the Crescent Snap. Super comfy, but you will need to further extend the headband if...
  6. Keegan360

    Focal For Bentley Radiance Headphones

    Hey guys, I was hoping someone would answer a question I had regarding the Radiance and driving them from different amps. Edit: Nvm I found the answer to the question I originally had - regarding the Radiance sounding different on different amps. The amps were connected to different sources and...
  7. Keegan360

    Focal Clear headphones

    An update regarding the channel imbalance issue (for anyone else who may have this problem) The problem was resolved once I swapped the pads from left to right. I have no idea why, but… yeah. I’m honestly confounded.
  8. Keegan360

    Focal Clear headphones

    Ok cool I'll give it a shot. It really sucks though, I've had problems with on my Celeste and Radiance too. Got rid of the Celestee and had the Radiance repaired. Gonna think thrice before buying another Focal headphone lol.
  9. Keegan360

    Focal Clear headphones

    Hey guys, anyone experienced channel imbalance with their Clear? Whenever I listen with these, I can tell the stereo image is shifted to the left, whereas on the Arya and Radiance it is perfectly in the centre. Tried wearing the Clears the other way around and the image had shifted right. Is the...
  10. Keegan360

    Focal Clear headphones

    Is there a reason why you chose these dekoni pads over the ZMF lambskin pads?
  11. Keegan360

    Focal Clear headphones

    Has anyone done a direct comparison between the zmf lambskin and suede pads? According to his video they are almost identical except for the lambskin having better bass extension and slightly more bass. Has anyone tried both of them? Which one would also be better for the long term (and comfort)?
  12. Keegan360

    NEW! Fostex TH610 Premium Reference Closed-Back Headphones

    Has anyone hear compared these to the Focal Radiance? How do they sound in comparison? Radiance (at my local store) is at a discount so it's only about ~$90 US more than the TH-610, is it worth it? I own the Arya Stealth and was looking for a headphone that was somewhat different from it...
  13. Keegan360

    IEM vs. Closed back (and good IEM recommendations as a complement to Hifiman Arya Stealth)

    Welp I'm an idiot. I meant a sound signature different to the Arya. As for strengths and weaknesses, I don't think I worded that correctly - a more appropriate word would be difference. From my memory, the main difference in sound was in terms of soundstage and bass impact between a...
  14. Keegan360

    IEM vs. Closed back (and good IEM recommendations as a complement to Hifiman Arya Stealth)

    Note: I own a blessing 2 dusk, Airpods Pro and Arya Stealth. I know this is a apples vs. oranges type of comparison, but the reason I asked for an IEM is due to portability. Initially, I was looking for a good closed-back headphone like Focal Radiance which is something I could use AT HOME...
  15. Keegan360

    Good amp and dac for Arya Stealth?

    Hi everyone, For quite a while, I've been using the JDS Labs Element 3 as my all-in-one amp and dac for the Arya Stealth but sure enough, I found chatter online saying that the Aryas need a good source chain. I'm unsure as to whether an Element 3 is really allowing the Aryas to shine or if...