Recent content by kcorj2244
  1. kcorj2244

    Sound Blaster Z Settings

    Here is the screen I have:       Anyone have any default good settings for these 3 settings? I listen to a lot of rap, play CS GO and league of legends, and I feel like it isn't bassy enough atm.
  2. kcorj2244

    How to use Fiio E11?

    I have a question about the volume. If I want let's say 70% of the volume, do I set my phone to 70% volume, and then just adjust the amp to a good level, or do I have my phone on 100%? What is a good balance between the two...
  3. kcorj2244

    Amp recommendation for DT 880 250Ohm

    Alright thanks man for all the help. I will probably do the DT 880 Pro 250 Ohm with the soundblaster Z. Should I get the newest Soundblaster Z (the red one) or the older one (non red)? And in the future I will probably grab a Fiio E11 for portable use.
  4. kcorj2244

    Amp recommendation for DT 880 250Ohm

    Also my friend is a manager at bestbuy and he can get me a discount, so that's why I'm interested in the soundblaster Z since I can get it for $20.
  5. kcorj2244

    Amp recommendation for DT 880 250Ohm

    Music and gaming primarily. Not so much gaming though because I mainly play WoW with no sound, usually with music in the background, or a livestream on another monitor.
  6. kcorj2244

    Amp recommendation for DT 880 250Ohm

    I was loohing at your profile as well, and I noticed the O2 amp. Would you recomend that and a sound card? I can probably fit that into my budget.
  7. kcorj2244

    Amp recommendation for DT 880 250Ohm

    Would I actually notice a difference between the Sound Blaster Z and the magni combo though? Or would only people like you who are experienced notice the difference.
  8. kcorj2244

    Amp recommendation for DT 880 250Ohm

    So I need some recommendations for a DT 880 Pro 250ohm. I'm thinking about getting the Magni and a Xonar DGX to drive the headphones I'm getting. Would this work? What would be the most cost effective solution to drive my headphones?
  9. kcorj2244

    Looking for some good closed headphones for music and computer use (100-$250)

    Quote: My friend said the a900x's don't have the great of mid... He said they are more bassy.... Is it the case, and will I really notice the difference or is he wrong? If I was to go more towards the $250 range, what else could that ge t me?
  10. kcorj2244

    Looking for some good closed headphones for music and computer use (100-$250)

    Quote: The soundcard you linked should be able to drive the audio technica's? How is the comfortability on them? Would you recommend Beyer's over the audio technica's if I was able to drive them?
  11. kcorj2244

    Lf some good headphones beLow 250

    Title says all. Im thinking I probably need closed cans, but then again I mainly use them in my room, so perhaps open could work. I've looked at a couple like the 250 ohm beyer's that people post a lot. Any recommendations for closed/open that would really blow me away in sound quality. I...
  12. kcorj2244

    Looking for some good closed headphones for music and computer use (100-$250)

    Title says all. Im thinking I probably need closed cans, but then again I mainly use them in my room, so perhaps open could work. I've looked at a couple like the 250 ohm beyer's that people post a lot. Any recommendations for closed/open that would really blow me away in sound quality. I...