Recent content by kabforks
  1. kabforks

    Sennheiser HD598 > HD650 ?

    I just wanted to update you guys. I have sold the HD650's and I got the HD598's. I am very happy with my purchase, and I don't regret it.   I guess one can say that sound is indeed subjective. 
  2. kabforks

    Sennheiser HD 598 Impressions Thread

    Some of you (probably not) have noticed that I have been looking for *the* headphone for me. I have owned AKG K501, AKG 702, Sennheiser HD555 and Sennheiser HD650 (with fancy cable and all).   Somewhere along the way, I discovered what kind of sound I liked. And it was not the sound coming...
  3. kabforks

    Matrix M-Stage vs. Little Dot MK V

    Hi there. I might find myself buying a solid state headphone amp one of these days. I've currently narrowed it down to two candidates. The pure class A Matrix M-stage and the dual-mono-design Little Dot MK V. They are both in the same price class (roughly) and both have recieved favorable...
  4. kabforks

    Sennheiser HD598 > HD650 ?

    A lot of nice replies here... I don't believe there is something wrong with them... if my memory serves me well, HD595/555 do have a wider soundstage or it might just seem that wide... I agree that the sound is thicker Yes I agree selling them. I've been trying to get them back, but they are...
  5. kabforks

    Sennheiser HD598 > HD650 ?

    Hello there. In my eternal quest for a nice headphone, I'm now standing before a difficult choice. I currently own the Sennheiser HD650 and HD555 (mod). Previously I've owned AKG K501, AKG K702 and Beyerdynamic DT770 pro. The HD650 is relatively new, I've owned them for a month or so. But to...
  6. kabforks

    Beresford 7520 upgrade LM4562 gone wrong`?

    Hi. I just got the LM4562 opamps. From what I've read, you can just replace the old ones with these with no hassle. However, the DAC now outputs an extremely noisy signal; impossible to listen to. It's like a listening to a... no it's just TERRIBLE. Replacing the new opamps with the old ones...
  7. kabforks

    K701 thread

    I'm using AKG K702 in this setup:  PC - Beresford TC7520 DAC - Little Dot MK III tube amplifier.   However. The Little Dot gives little to none improvement over the Beresford DAC (it has a headphone output as well as a regular line out). I was able to hot switch between the two, and I...