Recent content by JRichardson1228
  1. JRichardson1228

    HiBy RS2: dual card slots, Darwin R2R, FIR, NOS, MQA 8x--news and impressions thread

    I've been wanting to upgrade my DAP for a while now, but Android DAPs annoy me. This would've been an instant buy if the screen was larger and there was a longer battery life. The dual micro-SD slots are killer.
  2. JRichardson1228

    BGVP discussion thread DM7/ DM6/DMG and NEW BA series

    I personally love my DM6s for extreme metal. They do a great job of presenting growls and screams in a way that's incredibly clear as opposed to my T2s. Instrumental separation is also good, which is why they're my go-to for Jazz as well, but as @zepmaj said, the treble can get pretty hot. Mine...
  3. JRichardson1228

    iBasso DX160 - The listening experience only gets better and better. ******NEW FW 1.09 - link 1st page.******

    Noob question from someone who's never had an Android device before: how simple is the process to get UAPP on the 160? As I understand, you have to download the Play store through APK and go from there, correct? I don't need the Lurker mod or anything? If I eventually bite, I'd be going with...
  4. JRichardson1228

    iBasso DX160 - The listening experience only gets better and better. ******NEW FW 1.09 - link 1st page.******

    Worth the wait? I'm still on the fence. :sweat_smile: Maybe I'll treat myself once I start my new job.
  5. JRichardson1228

    BGVP discussion thread DM7/ DM6/DMG and NEW BA series

    Can't help but feel a pang of jealousy whenever someone posts a picture of the WM1Z. I just wanna hold it for a minute lol.
  6. JRichardson1228

    [FiiO M11] Android 7.0, 2.5/3.5/4.4 Powerful Output, Exynos 7872, Dual AK4493 DAC chips, 3GB RAM, WiFi, Two-way LDAC

    That's excellent. The omission was one of the few things holding me back. Might finally bite the bullet once this COVID-19 stuff blows over.
  7. JRichardson1228

    Shozy Form 1.4

    The Shozy 1.4 is on sale for $147 USD on Ali until March 31.
  8. JRichardson1228

    [FiiO M11] Android 7.0, 2.5/3.5/4.4 Powerful Output, Exynos 7872, Dual AK4493 DAC chips, 3GB RAM, WiFi, Two-way LDAC

    Wait, is this true? Like, with the stock FiiO app? You're the first person I've seen mention it.
  9. JRichardson1228

    iBasso DX160 - The listening experience only gets better and better. ******NEW FW 1.09 - link 1st page.******

    Doubt you're doing anything wrong. Different strokes in this hobby as different gear combos produce different results for different people. Worst case scenario you can sell it off or return it if you're still in the return window.
  10. JRichardson1228

    [FiiO M11] Android 7.0, 2.5/3.5/4.4 Powerful Output, Exynos 7872, Dual AK4493 DAC chips, 3GB RAM, WiFi, Two-way LDAC

    This post was, uh, quite interesting... I can't really tell if you're being serious or not.
  11. JRichardson1228

    iBasso DX160 - The listening experience only gets better and better. ******NEW FW 1.09 - link 1st page.******

    I was literally just wondering if USB APP did bit-perfect playback, so thanks for this rundown. Cause doesn't USB APP support sorting by Album Artist, as well? I know Mango doesn't, unfortunately.
  12. JRichardson1228

    Shozy Form 1.4

    Appreciate you investigating. :pray: Yea, a lot of it is definitely baked into the recordings, that's why I'm trying to find something that does a better job of handling certain records in comparison to my DM6s so my ears don't start bleeding from the piercing vocals :sweat_smile: (Dre's Compton...
  13. JRichardson1228

    Shozy Form 1.4

    I was really hoping to hop on the 25% off deal on the 1.4, but given BGGA's backpedaling on the set and the fact that there aren't any more impressions online, I think I'm going to hold off for a bit. FYI: Linsoul has the same deal as Penon right now, lasts until tomorrow. I've also been kind...
  14. JRichardson1228

    Shuoer impressions thread

    Glad I'm not the only one who thought this after watching this video. His past few reviews have been really... odd. As if he's been distracted with other stuff and he's making the video just for the sake of saying he made the video. He's definitely not going into as much detail as he was before...