Recent content by JoelS87
  1. JoelS87

    Did I severely damaged my speakers?

    Hi,   Thank you for taking the time to read this.   I recently hooked up a pair of Dynaudio BM6As to the RME ADI-2 Dac. The dac didn't have a volume controller and was sending extremely loud signals to my speakers (to the point where it was distorting badly) so I immediately hit Pause...
  2. JoelS87

    The Lavry DA11: For your ears only

    Hi guys,    I've got a few questions regarding the DA11 and would appreciate any advice/opinions!   I recently bought the DA11 (and still thinking if I should keep it or not) My only comparison is the RME ADI-2 and between the two, I feel the DA11 produces clearer sound. That said...
  3. JoelS87

    Lavry DA11 vs GD-Audio Reference 9 vs Reference 5 - Recommendations?

    Heya Topaze,   Was just wondering if you went with the Ref 7? Or if you ended up auditioning the all three dacs?   A friend of mine is selling his RME ADI-2 for only $350 though it has dents and scratches on it. I'm still trying to decide if it is a good buy for my Adam A7x and Grado...
  4. JoelS87

    DAC for my M-Audio BX8 D2 and Grado PS500

    So i've been reading up and searching the web for a few days now and I must admit, things do look kinda confusing. I'd really appreciate it if you would share your thoughts/opinions/suggestions.   I'm looking at DACs below 1000, and have narrowed them down to these:     Audio GD's...
  5. JoelS87

    Audio-GD Reference 5.2 (New Balanced 4x PCM1704UK DAC)

    Hi,   Sorry for the newbie question. But with dacs like this that has multiple outputs, does it mean I can use all of them simultaneously? Can I hook the red 5.2 to my active speakers via xlr and use the rca out to my headphone amp?   I'm really interested in the red 5.2 vs dacmagic...
  6. JoelS87

    Need help/suggestions for amp and dac combi for studio monitors and grado ps500

    Hi all,   Firstly, thank you for taking the time to read this. I own the m-audio bx8 d2 studio monitors (active speakers) and the grado ps500 headphone. My interface is the asus xonar essence st (pci).   That said, i'm interested in getting a dac and an amp that allows me to connect...
  7. JoelS87

    Reply to review by 'joels87' on item 'Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 2 In/2 Out USB Recording Audio Interface'

    Hi morethansense, thank you so much for the quick awesome reply! I have another question if you don't mind? Would you recommend this paired with m-audio bx8 d2s? Also, how does the 2i2 compare with the asus xonar essence pci interface? I have both the 2i2 and xonar essence and don't know which...
  8. JoelS87

    Reply to review by 'joels87' on item 'Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 2 In/2 Out USB Recording Audio Interface'

    hi I have the grado ps500. would u recommend getting a separate amp? How do I hook it up the scarlett 2i2? Thansk! :D
  9. JoelS87

    K701 dac/amp for studio mixing?

    Heya Coolzo,   So I just recently bought the Scarlet 2i2 and it is a lot cheaper than the asus xonar st. I'm really new to all of this and am having a hard time deciding if I should return the xonar st or the scarlet 2i2? I got the scarlet because the guys at guitar center recommended it...
  10. JoelS87

    Grado PS500 with Asus Xonar Essence ST Sound Card

    Heya guys, sorry for reviving this again, but I got a few questions if you don't mind :/   I recently went to guitar center and purchased a pair of m-audio bx8 d2 studio monitors. They recommended the scarlett 2i2 to go with it since I needed to hook up a mic with it.   What I'm...
  11. JoelS87

    Grado PS500 with Asus Xonar Essence ST Sound Card

    Thanks for the recommendations! Am going to go do some research and save up some money haha   One thing that has been bothering me as of late though is that I notice when I play music, I hear white noise gradually getting louder before it disappears (as the music is playing). Then when I...
  12. JoelS87

    Grado PS500 with Asus Xonar Essence ST Sound Card

    Heya Guys,   Thank you so much for your answers! I still don't have my grado.. aircraft problem, shipment got delayed till monday :(  I am however curious though, what amps would you guys suggest? Say something around $200, and something around $500?   Thanks!! Joel
  13. JoelS87

    Grado PS500 with Asus Xonar Essence ST Sound Card

    Hi,   I'm looking at getting the Grado PS500 to pair with my Asus Xonar Essence ST card. I own the Senn PC360, Westone 4 and Bose Quiet Comfort and Bowers & Wilkins P5 so as you can see, I'm really new to high end headphones. Despite doing research online, it is hard to actually understand...