Recent content by JimJ
  1. JimJ

    The decline of memorization

    I, for one, welcome our Apple cyborg overlords.
  2. JimJ

    The decline of memorization

    I'm taking anatomy and physiology next semester.    Believe me, memorization isn't dead... 
  3. JimJ

    Post Your Photography Here #2

    I'm liking this Canon prime...35mm, f/2.  
  4. JimJ

    Jam band fan role call

      A friend of mine turned me onto Mule when I was in college. I've seen a few post-Woody shows and they've been pretty good :)
  5. JimJ

    Your top three audio related purchases 2015

    Beyerdynamic DT-250 Schiit Modi Decware CSP2+   Selling two out of the three this week, oops  I'm keeping the Beyers, though.
  6. JimJ

    Mini North Carolina Triangle Meetup - August 22nd

      Ugh, I have to echo this    Oh well, I'll be able to actually bring stuff to the next one.
  7. JimJ

    Calculators in Japan

    I recently had to dig my TI-83+ out of storage, retaking a chem class this fall that I should have paid attention to in undergrad ten years ago    Fresh AAAs and it worked perfectly. In my professional life, if I needed to calculate anything, that's what Excel was for...
  8. JimJ

    Woo Audio WA6-SE vs. Decware Taboo mk3

    I'd probably go with the Taboo for the easy speaker-driving capability; I like having flexibility in case I ever find myself using components in ways I hadn't thought of when I bought them.   I love 6SN7s, but tube-rolling Decware amps usually is a much cheaper proposition. The stock input...
  9. JimJ

    Schiit Owners Unite

      Waiting for a Gungnir or Ygg owner to come here and say it's not the height, but the width...    I guess I can post in here now. Received my (original model) Modi last week. Does all I need out of a DAC for now, didn't need any of the optical or coax inputs just yet...maybe someday.
  10. JimJ

    Are these the best ~$500 closed headphones for movies and gaming?

    The prices listed for those as of now are above $500, but who knows what'll happen when they're released.   Part of me is interested in waiting, but I'm also thinking about picking up a pair of DT-250s and waiting for the price to come down  If they're as good as Beyer's other studio-focused...
  11. JimJ

    Mini North Carolina Triangle Meetup - August 22nd

      Good luck!   (from a Basic 8 years ago...those were some interesting days )
  12. JimJ

    D.C. Area Meet (Sunday, August 30, 2015) - part of CanMania @ Capital Audio Fest (CAF) 2015

    This is on my list for next year. I'll be in McLean this Saturday, next year I have to time my running schedule differently 
  13. JimJ

    Mini North Carolina Triangle Meetup - August 22nd

    I can be there! Going out of town this weekend for a road race, but I'll be around the 22nd.
  14. JimJ

    Struggling with closed headphone choice

    Thanks, that's good to know.
  15. JimJ

    Struggling with closed headphone choice

      I won't be listening incredibly loud.     Those were something I was considering, but I've heard from people who have owned them that the bass response can get a little overwhelming, even moreso with an OTL. My listening is usually classical/folk/rock/jazz in that order, so while a...