Head Gear Reviews by jgosroc
  1. Westone W60 Signature Series 6-Driver Universal-fit In-ear Headphones

    4.00 star(s)
    I wrote a somewhat controversial article read by 4 people called “a sojourn through middle class iems”. There I discussed a series of Noble and Westone iems being: 1. Noble 5/Dulce Bass; 2. Westone UmPro50; 3. Noble 6; 4. Westone W60; 5. Noble Savant. It was a freewheeling article discussing shilling as a minor theme, but generally just a series of iems that I owned and enjoyed, and why that was so. I also vented pretty heavily on what I considered and still consider to be bad design. No example of this was more starkly attacked then when I reached...
  2. Westone umPro50

    4.00 star(s)
    What’s impressive about the Westone UmPro50, is…. a hell of a lot. It's the legendary ES50, removing the custom bit, and replacing it with a universal shell so light and comfortable that it almost makes custom fitting irrelevant. Oh, and you can pick up a pair for $350, second-hand. Most sellers will throw in a $100 cable. Were the shell (new and old) not so FRAGILE, then this would be a 5-star review. These share a similar signature to the N5/Dulce… which I love. In one way in particular. Gorgeous bass. The bass is tight. It punches with bite and...