Recent content by IV10K
  1. IV10K

    Natural Headphones ?

    Quote: So you're saying PS1000 has bigger sound stage and airy than HD800 ? cause that's what I'm looking for.. A surreal experience for Goa-Trance   Quote: Well I have TH900 and as I saw the reviews It's better than Audeze so that's why I didn't look into buying Audeze and I...
  2. IV10K

    Natural Headphones ?

    I already have T1 and I like them but not much satisfied so I'm looking for an upgrade and I'm confused between HD800 and PS1000
  3. IV10K

    Natural Headphones ?

    Well T1 soundstage Is bigger than most of my cans but somehow It's suffocating and a bit boring to me.. It lacks details comparing to TH900. I'm confused whether go for PS1000 or HD800 :(
  4. IV10K

    Natural Headphones ?

    You prefer PS1000 to HD800 regarding sound stage and naturality.? :F
  5. IV10K

    Natural Headphones ?

    Hello, I'm curious about buying HD800 As addon to Fostex TH900 And T1. You think It's worth ? as I'm looking for a bigger sound stage and natural sound If not you recommend any other? Thanks ^.-
  6. IV10K

    Fostex TH900 Impressions & Discussion Thread

    Quote: Sweet !!! Thanks MacendonianHero , I was trying the difference between A1 and DACmini and I forgot DACmini volume to the maximum since I'm taking output from DACmini to A1. As small review. I notice bass quantity Improvement In A1 but still It's not satisfying another amp on the way.
  7. IV10K

    Amp recommendations for Fostex TH900?

    Update: I tried TH900 with Beyerdynamic A1 and I've notice improved over the bass quantity.. It's like 20% better than DACmini
  8. IV10K

    Fostex TH900 Impressions & Discussion Thread

    Thank you so much !
  9. IV10K

    Fostex TH900 Impressions & Discussion Thread

    Quote:     Few seconds only..
  10. IV10K

    Fostex TH900 Impressions & Discussion Thread

    I accidentally put TH900 on the maximum volume on DACmini can this damage them or I shouldn't worry that much ? (I simply love them)
  11. IV10K

    Fostex TH900 Impressions & Discussion Thread

    I enjoy classical music and vocal on T1 due to the big sound stage, I tried to listen to some vocal on TH900 It feels like she's singing to your ear but still sound stage Is bigger than other cans I tried (ED8/HD700).. I think HD800 Is a must In this case
  12. IV10K

    Sennheiser HD800 vs Audeze LCD-2 (Rev 2) vs Denon D7000 Shootout

    You cannot compare ED8 to TH900, I can't listen to ED8 anymore after I listened to TH900.. In my opinion TH900 Is closed version of T1
  13. IV10K

    Sennheiser HD 700: Officially Unveiled at CES 2012!

    I hate them and I'll sell them soon, Already the left ear has bass rattle and soundstage Is very tight and the sound Is not natural at all and has so much leak that you can use it as speaker
  14. IV10K

    Fostex TH900 Impressions & Discussion Thread

    I'm really enjoying almost everything on TH900 and vocal It's very clear and sound stage Is reasonable, Anyone has HD800 and TH900 to describe small comparsion between those two?
  15. IV10K

    Amp recommendations for Fostex TH900?

    I got my hands on the TH900 And I have DACmini, All I can say It's bass Is very nice , And the mids Is so clear but It's not powerful