Recent content by intox
  1. intox

    Amp upgrade

    Bump. Which amp should I buy between Graham Slee Novo or Gilmore Lite to drive high impedance cans (HD650, DT880 600ohm, ...) ? I just want a cheap (< 250€) and powerful amp to drive them.
  2. intox

    Amp upgrade

    anyone ?
  3. intox

    Amp upgrade

    I've read a lot about Burston HA160 , WooAudio WA6, Lehmann BCL, ... but I'd rather not to spend more than 250€ (340$) for an amp.   I've found a used Gilmore Lite (220€) or a Graham Slee Novo (170€). Do both of them driver the HD650 or a lower impedance can like a SR225i well ? Which one...
  4. intox

    Amp upgrade

    No one can help me ? I need some advice please. Should I keep my current V-can or should I upgrade for a 300€-400€ amp like Creek OBH21SE, X-Can V8 or a Little Dot MKV or save up some money for a higher end amp like the Meier Concerto (500€-600€) ?   Thanks
  5. intox

    Amp upgrade

    Hi. I know there's many threads about amps for HD650 but I have a Musical Fidelity V-Can with my HD650 and SR125i and I'm thinking about buying a better desktop amp but how many do I need to spend to hear a noticeable improvement ? Are the Creek OBH21SE (400€) or the Musical Fidelity X-Can V8p...
  6. intox


    What does dynamat do exactly ? Reduce noise ? Reduce vibrations ? Because I'm in France and dynamat is not available here.
  7. intox


    I have vented the drivers but I've made too many holes (10) and now my SR125i are too bassy. I've read earlier in this thread that this mod is reversible. How do you do that ? Thanks.
  8. intox


    How good are wooded grado vs plastic grado ? I have a Sr125i and I found it to have too harsh treble so I vented the drivers, damped the back plate and removed the grill cloth. Now there's more bass resulting to a less harsh sound. I was wondering how good are wooded sr125i against the stock...
  9. intox

    Review by 'intox' on item 'Sennheiser IE 8 In-Ear Headphones'

    SInce I've bought them, I let them burn-in 24/24 for a whole week. Before the IE8's I had the S4 which I found too bassy. The IE8 sound signature is perfect in my view. Not bass heavy at all and a wide soundstage. At first they were maybe a bit sibilant but it's fixed by burn in (more than...
  10. intox

    Which iem should I buy for about 300€ ?

    I know but I can't pay online and the SM3 can only be bought on earsonics' website.
  11. intox

    Which iem should I buy for about 300€ ?

    Hi everyone.   I'm a 17 year-old French student so excuse me for my poor English   I'm thinking about upgrading from my Klipsch S4. I own a Cowon J3 and I sometimes use my Ipod Touch 2G but I don't have a portable amp. I listen to Indie Rock, Progressive Rock, Hard Rock,... (Arctic...