innovated's latest activity
  • innovated
    innovated reacted to Redcarmoose's review on item Penon Fan2 with Like Like.
    Just look at the Fan 2 will you? The faceplate can represent many things to many people, but to me they look like islands in the ocean...
  • innovated
    innovated reacted to Headphoneprobs's reply to a review on item Penon Fan2 with Like Like.
    @Dsnuts bought a pair based on your and others reviews. They sound great but am getting sibilance in vocals..."s" and "c" sound rough...
  • innovated
    innovated reacted to PKTK's reply to a review on item Penon Fan2 with Like Like.
    @GoldBug I would be very surprised if Fan2 and ISN iems are not produced in the same factory. BTW: I like FAN2 as well and I think it is...
  • innovated
    innovated reacted to GoldBug's reply to a review on item Penon Fan2 with Like Like.
    @PKTK it was very brief, these are awesome earphones. The initial mild disappointment was because they sound very similar to the ISN...
  • innovated
    innovated reacted to GoldBug's reply to a review on item Penon Fan2 with Like Like.
    Just got mine today, super fast shipping and it's a holiday today, lol. First impression was like.. yup, that's exactly what I...
  • innovated
    innovated reacted to PKTK's reply to a review on item Penon Fan2 with Like Like.
    @tashikoma this cable's poor construction choices destroy whole the experience. You might want to stick a bit of foam tape inside the...
  • innovated
    innovated reacted to tashikoma's reply to a review on item Penon Fan2 with Like Like.
    Thanks for the review, just received mines .... 1st thing I remark : chin slider is crap, absolutely useless !! First impressions on...
  • innovated
    innovated reacted to Dsnuts's reply to a review on item Penon Fan2 with Like Like.
    Serials are an easy listening yet very dynamic sounding experience. The main different in their presentation is how the treble of the...
  • innovated
    innovated reacted to dorisisaway's reply to a review on item Penon Fan2 with Like Like.
    Having ordered the Fan 2 I am tempted by the Serial the more I’ve seen about them. On sound demos the Serial sounds so full bodied...
  • innovated
    innovated reacted to Dsnuts's reply to a review on item Penon Fan2 with Like Like.
    Serial requires a bit of amplification for a similar level of sound separation. The Fan2s are 13 ohm, more efficient and easier to drive...
  • innovated
    innovated reacted to Dsnuts's review on item Penon Fan2 with Like Like.
    Penon Fan2 Not often do we get Penon made IEMs and the Fan2 happens to be the latest offering from the group that keeps on making...
  • innovated
    innovated reacted to Bitsir's review on item ISN H50 with Like Like.
    This $295 IEM is absolutely worth the money. WHY is almost no one talking about ISN? I think it punches way up there. It can compete...
  • innovated
    innovated posted a reply to a review on the item ISN H50.
    Perfectly captured everything I love about the H50, thanks for all the (very considerable work here)
  • innovated
    innovated reacted to ToneDeafMonk's review on item ISN H50 with Like Like.
    ISN H50 - Wúnderbar Ausgewogen! ( Wonderfully Balanced ) Now let's get into it: The Techy Stuff 5 Driver per side configuration: 1x...
  • innovated
    innovated reacted to lucanato's reply to a review on item ISN H50 with Like Like.
    I thought it wasn't necessary as there are a lot of photo in the previous reviews... That I read a lot of time before buying them, but...