Active military, working for the might of the Empire
Riding, hunting, fencing, dancing argentine tango, and lots and lots and lots of music everywhere.
Photography. Mainly street, but also conceptual and aerial.
Headphone Inventory

Vsonic GR07BE, Vsonic VSD01, Klipsch X10, Hifiman RE0, Hifiman RE-ZERO, Hisound Wooduo 2, Meelec 151, Meelec 161p, ATH-CKM500, ATH-EW9, Koss KSC75, Koss SportaPro, Koss ProDJ-100, Koss Pro4A, Senheiser 595, B&W P5, Audio Technica A900x, Beyerdynamic DT 990, AKG K702, Focal Spirit One, V-moda M-80

Sony XBA-1, Vsonic GR07mk1, Vsonic VC02, , Klipsch S4, Hifiman RE01, Koss Portapro, Beyerdynamic DT 880 (250 and 600ohm)
Headphone Amp Inventory
FiiO 07 Andes, FiiO 17 Alpen, modified chinese Little Bear tube amp, custom built tube amp, a ton of old receivers from 70s, more stuff that I just tend to forget about...
Source Inventory
HTC One X, Sansa Clip+, good old blue-lighted Dual receiver from late 70s, veritable and quaint humongous tower PC used mostly for photo editing, Samsung S5, more stuff that I just tend to forget about...
Music Preferences
Baroque and classical music, early electronic music (Kraftwerk, Tangerine Dream etc), more modern electronic music (like Archive or Massive Attack), rock (from 13th floor elevators to pink floyd and everything in between), various uncategorizable bands like Sigur Ross, Andrum, Amiina, Beefolk,Godspeed Black Emperor, then popular WW2 music (from both sides), argentinian tango orchestras from 1920s till 1940s, and so on. In short, anything that sounds good :)
Konica Hexar + fuji provia, Sinar P, Bronica G1, Rolleiflex X, ContaxG1+45mm Zeiss, OM 55mm f1.2, and way too much other photography gear.
Travel the world, meet interesting people, direct kinetic operations at them.