Recent content by HRA
  1. HRA

    REVIEW: Ultimate Ears UE-10 Pro & Sensaphonics ProPhonic 2X-Soft

    I'm glad you tuned me out plainjanesong. I find it very interesting how you call someone the names you called me then pretend like it never happened only to pass judgement when given a taste of your own medicine. On another note, if anyone wants info feel free to PM me as I am not going to...
  2. HRA

    REVIEW: Ultimate Ears UE-10 Pro & Sensaphonics ProPhonic 2X-Soft

    I think its time to stop all the attention thrown towards me...I get enough of that professionally. As far as the controversy surrounding the old post by one of my son and his friend, I have already explained that it wasn't me, just them using my computer. Thanks to all those who chose to...
  3. HRA

    REVIEW: Ultimate Ears UE-10 Pro & Sensaphonics ProPhonic 2X-Soft

    The problem with this thread and threads like it for me any, is that I am approaching it from a different view than most or many of you. I look at these IEM's as professional devices needed to accomplish a life performance or recording session. Here everyone is looking for personal listening...
  4. HRA

    REVIEW: Ultimate Ears UE-10 Pro & Sensaphonics ProPhonic 2X-Soft

    GSferrari, You're pretty funny....I agree that all the bickering serves no purpose. The UE people really do care what you are saying. The personal listening device market is far larger than the pro market so for their future growth they better stay in tune with what all of you want. Night...
  5. HRA

    REVIEW: Ultimate Ears UE-10 Pro & Sensaphonics ProPhonic 2X-Soft

    Quote: Originally Posted by dotslashconfig Hrm... Geography for 600 is tempting, but instead I'll go with "Cockiest People of the Century" for 1000, Alex. Is it possible this guy is just trying to be funny? It seems like he's just intentionally saying the most inflamatory things he can...
  6. HRA

    REVIEW: Ultimate Ears UE-10 Pro & Sensaphonics ProPhonic 2X-Soft

    Quote: Originally Posted by plainsong Is this the way of head-fi now, that reasonable discussion is marginalized and replaced with name calling and all-out wars? Dotslash had a legitimate question and he's called a twit. And the ones that do the attacks seem to be revered and their...
  7. HRA

    REVIEW: Ultimate Ears UE-10 Pro & Sensaphonics ProPhonic 2X-Soft

    Quote: Originally Posted by DJGeorgeT I have spoken with Jerry, he seems like a nice person. You know him better, fine. Don't take this personally, but to have third parties perform measurements/testing is common practice. It removes the question of what if... Also, most third parties...
  8. HRA

    REVIEW: Ultimate Ears UE-10 Pro & Sensaphonics ProPhonic 2X-Soft

    Quote: Originally Posted by DJGeorgeT It is fine if UE does its own testing as part of product development and R&D. That chart is okay, but not official material. To come up with credible charts, a third party should do the tests following some industry established standards for...
  9. HRA

    REVIEW: Ultimate Ears UE-10 Pro & Sensaphonics ProPhonic 2X-Soft

    Quote: Originally Posted by DJGeorgeT actually yes, to post a freq response plot without a reference is pretty lame. What equipment was used? How was the test performed? Can it be repeated by someone else and get the same results? Not enough information. I would not instantly consider...
  10. HRA

    REVIEW: Ultimate Ears UE-10 Pro & Sensaphonics ProPhonic 2X-Soft

    Quote: Originally Posted by dotslashconfig Anyone have a source for the frequency response charts? Also, I'm still waiting on HRA to provide me with links to the topics where Lindrone "bashed" the UE-10. I'm assuming that since he hasn't produced them, they don't exist. I suppose...
  11. HRA

    REVIEW: Ultimate Ears UE-10 Pro & Sensaphonics ProPhonic 2X-Soft

    Have to run but RED is SENSA....ORANGE is UE. These were taken yesterday. Both pairs of IEM had hundreds of hours of use I believe.
  12. HRA

    REVIEW: Ultimate Ears UE-10 Pro & Sensaphonics ProPhonic 2X-Soft

    So does anyone want this frequency response chart done yesterday comparing the 2X to the UE10. If so, send me a PM and I'll have it emailed to someone who can post it on this thread as I don't have the intelliegence to figure out how to do it
  13. HRA

    REVIEW: Ultimate Ears UE-10 Pro & Sensaphonics ProPhonic 2X-Soft

    Quote: Originally Posted by dotslashconfig Can you provide a link to those comments, please? That sounds very out of character for Lindrone. Lindrone *never* directly labeled the 2X-S as "superior" to the UE-10. He characterized the two products as being *different*. While...
  14. HRA

    REVIEW: Ultimate Ears UE-10 Pro & Sensaphonics ProPhonic 2X-Soft

    Lindrone, These IEM's were not designed for audiophiles as I'm sure you understand. It is only recently that the listening public, and a very small group at that, has come to appreciate the potential of these devices for personal listening enjoyment. A whole new market has opened up for these...
  15. HRA

    REVIEW: Ultimate Ears UE-10 Pro & Sensaphonics ProPhonic 2X-Soft

    It's in a jpeg file on my computer and I have no idea how to put in on the post. If you want I can email it to someone and they can post it.