Recent content by hoo7h
  1. hoo7h

    How much can I sell my Grado RS1i for?

    Hello, I bought one in 2015 and barely used them for 10 hours total. How much are they worth nowadays? Also have a Geek Pusle XFi, how much will this one fetch me? Thank you, H.
  2. hoo7h

    How much can I sell my Grado RS1i for nowadays?

    Hello, I bought one in 2015 and barely used them for 10 hours total. How much are they worth nowadays? Also have a Geek Pusle XFi, how much will this one fetch me? Thank you, H.
  3. hoo7h

    How much can I sell my Grado RS1i for nowadays?

    Hello, I bought one of these in 2015 and barely used them for 10 hours total. How much are they worth nowadays? Also have a Geek Pusle XFi, how much will this one fetch me? Thank you, H
  4. hoo7h

    Most durable CIEM cable? (Ignore all other aspects)

    Hi,   I am looking for a cable for my NT6. The most important aspect I care about is durability, and maybe aesthetics. I am looking to spend around $200. Preferably less. I don't care about other technologies or reviews on the cable performance or signature.
  5. hoo7h

    Help on buying headphones + DAC/AMP/SoundCard setup for PC-gaming for less than $1000.

    What genres do you usually listen to? initially the best option I think is an O2+ODAC and your choice of headphones(For example DT700, DT990, Pro900). Visit a store and see what you like best. When you try them you will know what sound signature you want/comfort level/isolation etc.   1000$...
  6. hoo7h

    Did I just ruin the tube? *PICS*

    Great answers, thanks!
  7. hoo7h

    Did I just ruin the tube? *PICS*

    Hi,   I have a 6080A tube and when I was changing it I kind of broke the black metal piece in between the tube pins. I can see a small glass piece was hidden behind it. Is it still usable?  
  8. hoo7h

    New Schiit! Ragnarok and Yggdrasil

    With a dac such as the Yggy, words like "good" and "great" aren't enough. Because a "great Yggy" - hype - placebo = Modi that is 2k over its price. I don't know, I just don't trust expensive dacs anymore lol. I doubt that dacs get "better" after the a certain price point, they just get different.
  9. hoo7h

    The Answer to $400 Smooth & Warm Headphones

    Honestly it seems to me that you are describing the HD598. Give it a try if you have a headphone shop close by.
  10. hoo7h

    $395 IE 800 vs $1200 SE846

    There is no way in hell the difference will be worth $800. But anyways, at this price point the "better" factor become very minimal and it is more of a personal preference of the "signature" factor. Though keep in mind that I heard of fake IE800 in the wilds, make sure they are authentic...
  11. hoo7h

    Seattle Spring Meet at BottleHeadquarters 4/25/2015 impressions

    Thank you Doc for hosting the event! What were the tubes used for the Crack upstairs?
  12. hoo7h

    Seattle Spring Meet at BottleHeadquarters 4/25/2015

    I will probably make it! Is there anyone close by the UW could give me a ride? I will buy you launch as a thank you lol.
  13. hoo7h

    Geek Pulse: Geek desktop DAC/AMP by Light Harmonics

    Questions attack! Can I ask about your opinion in Xfi compared to your other dacs?