Recent content by highfidelity69
  1. highfidelity69

    Cypher Labs AlgoRhythm Solo - Discussion and Impressions Thread

    Where can I get a replacement battery for the solo, not the DB. By the way what ever happened to cypher labs. Thanks in advance.
  2. highfidelity69


    This is where I get all my FLAC files.
  3. highfidelity69


    It does not take away the fact that it still stinks and is not sufficient. Sony could care less about about the ZX2, to them it might as well belong in the dust bin, another reason why I will never buy another one of their DAP's.
  4. highfidelity69


    Correct, which is absurd, 2 GB of space for the OS and downloads is a joke.
  5. highfidelity69


    You are right, same issue here, something is wrong with the partition. I even tried the route of clearing the entire system to start from scratch, after rebooting it came back like nothing was ever done.
  6. highfidelity69


    Did you contract the app developer, this happened to me with the DiRadio app some time ago, the app developer send me a version that would work with my ZX2 until they fixed the issue with future updates, which they did.
  7. highfidelity69


    Exactly, Apple with ios does the same thing. As I stated above, no issues with Android apps and my ZX2, it's not the swiftest to open them up, but they work, even chromecast.
  8. highfidelity69


    My ZX2 runs every Android app just fine, a bit on the slow side booting them up, but still runs them, I even run chromecast "Google home" to stream music to my home theater surround system, no cables to plug in. Running Android is just a plus with this DAP, it's not it's main purpose, it's main...
  9. highfidelity69


    Seriously, I don't believe my post came across as deragetory or hateful in any way shape or form. People need to realize that with today's powerful amps and extremely loud headgear that you can do serious damage to your hearing, which is a terrible thing, and can cause serious quality of life...
  10. highfidelity69


    I meant no ill will, I had the same issue he had for some time, then cooled off on head gear for a while, and it helped. I just don't want to see someone do damage to their hearing.
  11. highfidelity69


    I suggest you go see a doctor to check your hearing, you might be doing irreparable damage to your hearing, a small break in head gear might help, also tone down the volume if you can't do what I recommended. It is also natural to hear a little better from each ear, same goes for your vision...
  12. highfidelity69


    No one said anything about the ZX2 in airplane mode, using the build in player to play FLAC files is not the problem, mine is fine also, we are telling about using apps via WiFi that is the issue.
  13. highfidelity69


    There is NOTHING wrong with Android, always used Android phones, which are smooth as butter, from my Note 4 to my Nexus5X to my Nexus 6 to my galaxy S7, or my Nexus 7 tablet,this is a Sony issue, they have a crap history of updating the software on their devices, the same apps like radio tunes...
  14. highfidelity69


    Is it just me or has the OS slowed down on the ZX2. Sony needs to update this OS soon.