Recent content by HEaDAchES
  1. HEaDAchES

    1st time reviewer/ Sennheiser IE8/ semi-audiophile in training.

    I had a hell of weekend in EBay! I bought these for $112.00 and I got the UE TRIPLE.FI.10 for $126.00.
  2. HEaDAchES

    1st time reviewer/ Sennheiser IE8/ semi-audiophile in training.

    ::DISCLAMER:: This is my 1st review on Head-Fi so I will do my best to be accurate and precise. I don't know all the audiophile terms but (I'm learning) i'll give you my honest opinion and thoughts on what I'm hearing. I decided after years and months of reading on this forum the best way to...
  3. HEaDAchES


    Very Excited my Sennheiser IE8 arrived today. I can't wait to listen to these!
  4. HEaDAchES

    IE8 & TRIPLE.FI.10

    I will def. post up my impressions of both phones once they arrive. I've been reading posts about burning in and hours of playing music and pink/white noise. I'm just excited to get them in my ears. I love watching Ferrari F40/F50 and other exotic car videos on YouTube. I'm feel like its...
  5. HEaDAchES

    IE8 & TRIPLE.FI.10

    @energie dont have either yet.
  6. HEaDAchES

    IE8 & TRIPLE.FI.10

    Thanks for all the input, I really appreciate it guys! I've researched most of these mods already. I really want to enjoy these IEM's raw and natural to hear their true sound. i may try recabling but that's way down the road. Next is my amp. the Leckerton UHA-4.
  7. HEaDAchES

    IE8 & TRIPLE.FI.10

    This is my 1st Head-Fi post and I'm very happy to say that after making the decision to go IEM rather than cans, tonight I made 1st purchases. I just bought the Logitech and the Sennheiser IE8. I'm saving for a Leckerton UHA-4 amp. to complete my set! I know there are tons of posts...