Recent content by hdoctous
  1. H

    NEW HiBy R4

    Thanks for the clarification! Still gonna pick this r4 up as a big hiby fan and this helps to temper my expectations on what I can expect firmware wise. The m300 was so close to being the upgrade I needed from my r5gen2 but the lack of usb dac functionality, a previous track button and liking...
  2. H

    NEW HiBy R4

    I had heard that china was getting a special release/exclusive that had the ability to turn off the class A mode but I am not entirely sure of the validity of that claim.
  3. H

    NEW HiBy R4

    I really hope they push a firmware that allows us to enter a low econ mode/turn off the class A amp for battery life. That is the only thing that is keeping me from going all in on replacing my r5gen 2 with no worries. I usually use class a mode anyway, but having the option when im looking to...
  4. H

    Headphone Meet in Pittsburgh, PA - October 22nd 2022

    What would be the best way to bring a local library to listen to on the equipment? I have all my flacs on my dap/sd card so I could just bring those alone but I wanted to make sure it was ok to hook those into the equipment at the meet up
  5. H

    Headphone Meet in Pittsburgh, PA - October 22nd 2022

    Are IEMs allowed/wanted? I have a decent IEM collection I could bring
  6. H

    Hiby R3 Pro Portable Bluetooth DAP

    ended up figuring it out a few images have had their sizings shifted from the base skin but nothing drastic. Loving the look thanks for your work!
  7. H

    Hiby R3 Pro Portable Bluetooth DAP

    Is it possible to use your theme as a "base" and change many of the pictures attached like we can with the default themes? I love this look but want to add some of my own flair.
  8. H

    Hiby R3 Pro Portable Bluetooth DAP I use this theme editor over the one hiby provides as I have never gotten theirs to work.
  9. H

    Hiby R3 Pro Portable Bluetooth DAP

    If you have the proper song title within you id3v2 tags it should display that over the tags in the file name. Might want to check your library with something like mp3tag to make sure everything is in order.
  10. H

    Hiby R3 Pro Portable Bluetooth DAP

    Having owned the fdx1 with an r3pro regular and saber before if you find them kinda bright the saber likely isnt for you. The fdx1 is already a pretty analytical so adding a bit of warmth with the regular r3pro shouldnt change the sound that much.
  11. H

    Hiby R3 Pro Portable Bluetooth DAP

    both choices are fine I think for classical id prefer the use of the saber as it will present the midrange more authentically.
  12. H

    Hiby R3 Pro Portable Bluetooth DAP

    sorry didnt mean to respond to you. Meant to respond to the guy needing album resizing help
  13. H

    Hiby R3 Pro Portable Bluetooth DAP

    Also i would choose to either cover.jpg files or to embedded the art. I found the player gets a bit confused if you have a mixture.
  14. H

    Hiby R3 Pro Portable Bluetooth DAP

    Mp3tag can do this pretty easily so fret not. Mp3tag is an audiophiles best friend as it can patch tag all your music
  15. H

    Hiby R3 Pro Portable Bluetooth DAP

    I would go either with the moondrop blessing 2 or the tanchjim oxygen