Recent content by gregorio
  1. gregorio

    Is this normal behaviour for dacs?

    Again, as there’s no such thing as an “unlinear relationship”, how do you think you’ve shown a clear example of one? No, but don’t let that stop you from making up nonsense! G
  2. gregorio

    Is this normal behaviour for dacs?

    As there’s no such thing a “unlinear relationship” then obviously I don’t get it and also obviously you are taking your own advice and making a BS argument! Well done! G
  3. gregorio

    Is this normal behaviour for dacs?

    That’s not even vaguely what you said! Where did you say that your assertions were hilarious and even worse than ridiculous? What you actually said/claimed is the IMD produced by your DAC was somehow audible, even though it’s so low in level it probably isn’t even being reproduced by your...
  4. gregorio

    Testing audiophile claims and myths

    Oh god, please don’t actually ask him to “expound”, that just encourages him to post even more utter BS in a puerile attempt to justify his snake oil products! G
  5. gregorio

    Is this normal behaviour for dacs?

    Again with a playback level of 85dBSPL the IMD of the Topping at 0dBFS (where it rises) would be at -10dBSPL. Even a child with perfect hearing in a world class anechoic chamber cannot hear anything at -10dBSPL but you apparently are superhuman, because not only can you hear that -10dBSPL IMD...
  6. gregorio

    Is this normal behaviour for dacs?

    No, the “stupid argument” is that far higher distortion is better than lower distortion! According to you, distortion is better if it follows a straight line on a graph, even though it far higher. Not to mention that the distortion of the comparison, far cheaper DAC (Topping) is so low it...
  7. gregorio

    Testing audiophile claims and myths

    As we don’t have the “need for random noise we have to insert in between the samples” then how is eliminating something which doesn’t exist a benefit? What is added between the samples is the original analogue signal. We add random noise (called dither, which for the last 30 years or so isn’t...
  8. gregorio

    Is this normal behaviour for dacs?

    If your peak playback level is say 85dBSPL then the IMD of the topping, even where it rises at 0dBFS, would be at -10dBSPL. How are you ever going to hear -10dBSPL even in a world class anechoic chamber with no other sound, let alone when you’ve got music playing at 85dBSPL? Your HPs wouldn’t...
  9. gregorio

    Is this normal behaviour for dacs?

    It’s normal for pretty much everything! If you lower the level by 10dB, you don’t just lower the peaks, you lower everything, so yes of course you generally get less noise and distortion. Again, you don’t seem to know how to read a graph and then you’re making up nonsense based on that lack of...
  10. gregorio

    Is this normal behaviour for dacs?

    What objectivist has ever said that headroom doesn’t matter in a DAC? As a supposed objectivist, can I play that game too and state that subjectivist audiophiles “say it doesn’t matter” if a DAC is broken? Maybe you’re just confused about where headroom matters? Headroom definitely matters when...
  11. gregorio

    Some Test Tracks to check for Absolute Phase!

    Firstly, if a test can be passed several times with >95% confidence with just random choices, how is it not invalid? Secondly, I’m not sure what the point of this test is anyway. No one is disputing that one can’t tell a difference in absolute polarity with a test signal or in certain cases...
  12. gregorio

    Some Test Tracks to check for Absolute Phase!

    Sure but what about your worst 210° example, wouldn’t it actually be better in my example? There’s three serious problems with that: Firstly, just flipping the polarity of one mic will not “line the phase up with each other” because the phase difference to start with is almost never 180°...
  13. gregorio

    Some Test Tracks to check for Absolute Phase!

    Sure but if you’re going to play the “let’s say” game, then “let’s say” the phase is shifted by 160° or 540°, what is better then? No that is not why we sometimes flip the polarity of a channel. Again, no! There are circumstances where we want some phase cancellation that is audible in the...
  14. gregorio

    Can you hear upscaling?

    I certainly hope not, as that would indicate they don’t have much understanding of digital audio or do have a good understanding but are lying! The sampling interval just defines the amount of time between each sample, it does not define the timing resolution, which in the case of 16/44.1 is...
  15. gregorio

    Can you hear upscaling?

    While I’ve no reason to doubt GoldenSound’s published measurements, some of his conclusions/findings are straight out of the audiophile BS manual. I personally find this particularly egregious, he obviously has some serious knowledge in some areas but instead of using it to help audiophiles...