Recent content by gradohn
  1. gradohn

    Help to REPAIR my love Grado RS2

    Thank you,   I've also contacted to Grado and they said as your guide. However, as I said in the request, I need to use the original drivers, so is it possible to fix or even modfify in case there is problem in the driver(s)?
  2. gradohn

    Help to REPAIR my love Grado RS2

    Dear members,   I have my classic Grado RS2 (in fact, I have 3 pairs of Grado RS2 :p). Unfortunately, one of them (and my favourite one) had problem that the left channel suddenly stop. I asked a fellow here to check if it was the cable error, but he said no and he thought it was the driver. I...
  3. gradohn

    Request - Information about my Grado RS-2 Pink Drivers

    Is there no one to give me the answer?
  4. gradohn

    Request - Information about my Grado RS-2 Pink Drivers

    Hi Head-fiers,   Would someone give me information (type, year, ...) about my Grado RS-2? I've just bought in eBay. I'm so surprise that it has pink drivers. Thanks in advanced!   Here are the pictures:        
  5. gradohn

    BLIND TEST: 128kbps mp3 vs Lossless

    No read others, try to find the answer by myself with my Ultrasone 2500 (a bit power bass) and decide that B is lossless because it clearly is better than A.
  6. gradohn

    What media player do you use ?

    Foobar for music and VLC for other media.
  7. gradohn

    Looking for headphones with natural sounds of Martin D-28 guitars

    It's a bit confuse for me. I have Sony A729 for DAP, Creek OBH-11 SE for amp and some Grados, Beyerdynamics, AKGs, Ultrasones, ... but none of them give me the guitar sound (in bluegrass music) as the sound of my guitar Martin D-28. Would someone help me to find a headphones (up to $700) to help...
  8. gradohn

    Request - Musical Fidelity X-CAN or Graham Slee Novo

    Pls someone let me know if MF X-CAN or Graham Slee Novo is good to pair with my vintage AKG 270 and Beyerdynamic DT990?   Thank you,