Head Gear Reviews by Giupy
  1. Oehlbach XXL DAC Ultra DAC/Amp combo

    4.00 star(s)
    I bought this Amp/DAC combo as a replacement/upgrade for my now-departed Asus Xonar Essence STU. I checked it out online, read some reviews, most of which were in German and I had to translate. The specs looked great and the reviews praised it for the most part. Please bear in mind that is was used with the following headphones, in order of hours: Hifiman HE-400, Audeze LCD XC, Audio Technica ATH-A1000X, VE Monk and Apple earpods for laughs.   This was initially a Amazon review I wrote a year ago, then modified and uploaded it here because I didn't...
  2. HiFiMAN HE-400

    3.50 star(s)
    Hey guys! I know this is hardly the first review of these to ever be posted and I'm pretty sure everyone has covered all of the bases by now, but I've decided to throw in my two cents as well. Introduction: This is my first review here, so please don't lynch me. I've owned these for two years and they have a special place in my heart as that one gateway drug that led me, not only to planars, but also to the higher planes of audio... Or so I like to think. Things have changed in the past two years and if you are looking for a good value...