Recent content by GiovanniP
  1. GiovanniP

    Need help finding a suitable headphone

    I know the perfect solution to your problem, just buy any headphones you like, like the one suggested above, and buy this: Belkin Headphone Adapter Remote Shuffle (you will find it with that exact name in amazon) it will give any pair of headphones you buy ipod remote control.
  2. GiovanniP

    Why is everyone trying to get rid of their AKG701?

    In my studio (its a small studio, but probably will help answer your question) we always monitor with closed cans, so the sound gets as little as possible into the recording, we never mix with phones but i guess you already knew that.  
  3. GiovanniP

    Why is everyone trying to get rid of their AKG701?

    Exactly that happened to me, but on another store (local), and they were the AKG K271
  4. GiovanniP

    Some help please? Stax Lambda related.

    Thanks a lot, that should do it. I also thought they were the drivers after reading some about that in this forum, so I switched the left driver cables to the right driver and viceversa, the problem switched sides, but I also did another thing, I wanted to remove the mineral wool from other...
  5. GiovanniP

    Some help please? Stax Lambda related.

    Hi all, I'm sitting here with some unusable lambdas as a result of a failed attempt to restore them. The cable that came with them was doing a lot of noises, it was in really bad shape. I got some 600v rated pure copper cable for them, cut it in 6 parts and stranded them (is that the correct...
  6. GiovanniP

    Upgrading from HD25-1, need better treble while retaining the bass

    Quote:   Have you tried the K701 out of a good, capable amp, with a nice source? Their bass goes amazingly deep, it's tight and controlled, and you can definitely listen it. It's of course not a bass heavy phone, more of a realistic one, but in my experience there is no bottom end...
  7. GiovanniP

    If the next version of beats were actually good would you buy them?

    Not a chance, most probably they would be even more ridiculously overpriced than the current ones.
  8. GiovanniP

    poll: if "skullcandy," and "wesc" were the last headphone brands on earth, which would you choose and why?

    I don't want to discredit/badmouth nobody, but since the editor said the aviators are not that bad everybody seems to be repeating the same over and over, maybe some have actually auditioned them and share the same opinion as the editor (who obviously has audited them) but my guess is most...
  9. GiovanniP

    I don't want a flat frequency response

    I would recommend the Denon DN-HP700, pretty cheap, made for DJ's, they have very nice tight and deep bass, without being muddy, and nice highs too. They have a V signature as you ask for, are made from durable materials since they are for DJ's, they work very good from and iPod, and sound...
  10. GiovanniP

    Problem with Stax SR40

    After listening to them for about 1 1/2 hours the right driver has gotten real hot, not too hot to touch, but hot enough to get me worried, the left driver is fine BTW, could that be related to the other problem?
  11. GiovanniP

    Problem with Stax SR40

    Hi, I'm new to the forums, and really like the community, I know there are a lot of knowledgeable headphone owners here so I would like to ask you a question.   I recently bought a pair of Stax SR-40 from ebay, for 20 bucks (without energizer, already had the SRD-7 SB), they arrived and...
  12. Stax SR-40

    Stax SR-40

    First Stax electret earspeakers.
  13. Stax SR-Lambda (Λ)

    Stax SR-Lambda (Λ)

    Electrostatic earspeakers, original lambda design.
  14. AKG K171 Studio

    AKG K171 Studio

    The new AKG K 171 Studio combines closed-back ear cups with an ultra-light on-ear design.