A kind future Electrical Engineer who actually wants to work in amps and headphones.
music, anime, youtube, collecting vinyls
Anime and Watching Youtubers like Sourcefed and Philip Defraco, Zorofanboy124, and others.
Headphone Inventory
1st - J.V.C HA-SZ2000
2nd - Audio-Technica ATH-M50xBL
3rd - Sennheiser HD650
4th - Sennheiser Urbanite (Red)
5th - Philips Downtown (Purple)
6th - V-Moda Crossfade LP
7th - Beyerdynamic Custom Pro White (Gave to Dad)
8th - House of Marley Rebel
9th - Superlux HD669
Headphone Amp Inventory
Fiio E12 with HS6 Stacking Kit
Music Preferences
Everything and specific pop artists like Maroon 5 and Ariana Grande
Droid phones, LEDs, Resistors, Capacitors, and other electrical engineering stuff.


Headphones: Vmoda Crossfade LP, Audio Technica ATH-M50xBL, Sennheiser HD 650, JVC HA-SZ2000, Philips Downtown (Purple), House of Marley Rebel, Superlux HD669, Sennheiser Urbanite (Red)
[size=1em]Amp: [size=1em]Fiio e12 with a HS6 Stacking Kit[/size][/size]
[size=1em]Audio Players: [size=1em]6th generation Ipod classic, Fiio X5[/size][/size]