Recent content by gedneyj
  1. gedneyj

    Recommendation: Cheap isolating headphones

    I know this may seem odd to ask on such a high quality forum, but I greatly appreciate everyone's insights over the years. My wife is doing schoolwork from home, and we have a lot of distractions with me, 3 kids, a dog, and a cat. I need to find a pair of headphones that she can use to block...
  2. gedneyj

    Help Please! Need tip size for HolyHigh BE1018

    I purchased the HolyHigh BE1018 for my wife, and she lost one of the tips. I tried to fit a tip from a different brand, but the nozzle size was off. Does anyone know the size or replacement tips for these IEMs? If not, is there a "universal tip" or a way to measure the nozzle correctly...
  3. gedneyj

    Need concise recommendation on sub-$100, bass heavy (dubstep) headphones with isolation

    Thanks to everyone for the recommendations.  I went ahead and got the Monoprice 8283, along with some parts to mod as recommended in the forum.  Hope it is to my liking.  Thanks again!
  4. gedneyj

    Need concise recommendation on sub-$100, bass heavy (dubstep) headphones with isolation

    Quote: The WS55s are on-ear, and the Q40s are too expensive.  I have the Shure SE215 and Creative Aurvana IEMs, but want some cans as well.   Again, here are the requirements.  I do have the CMoyBB, so the bass will be increased to help.   sub-$100 Over Ear Good Bass Response...
  5. gedneyj

    Need concise recommendation on sub-$100, bass heavy (dubstep) headphones with isolation

    Would love those but cannot find for under $100.  What else?
  6. gedneyj

    Need concise recommendation on sub-$100, bass heavy (dubstep) headphones with isolation

    Quote: Would love those, but cannot find for under $100.  What else?
  7. gedneyj

    Need concise recommendation on sub-$100, bass heavy (dubstep) headphones with isolation

    I have spent TOO MANY hours reviewing headphones and cannot make up my mind.  I need a sub-$100 (firm price), bass-heavy for mostly Dubstep, good isolation (noisy office), comfortable (long hours), full-sized headphone.  I had the HTF600s which sounded great, but blocked NOTHING from the...
  8. gedneyj

    Lost my SE215, bought Creative Aurvana In-Ear 3, but found the SE215s... Do I return the In-Ear 3?

    I am in Afghanistan and lost my Shure SE215 IEMs last week.  I was wanting to try a BA driver anyways, so I bought the Creative Aurvana In-Ear 3.  I have not tried the Creative IEMs yet, and yesterday I found the SE215s.  I mostly use the IEMs at the gym and listen to Dubstep, Hip-Hop, Metal and...