Recent content by Floodedstatue
  1. Floodedstatue

    Album similar to Opeth - Damnation?

    Fellow Scandinavian band Winds has a simlar feel to Damnation: WINDS music, discography, MP3, videos and reviews
  2. Floodedstatue

    Favorite Musical Discovery of the Past Year

    Novembre - The Blue
  3. Floodedstatue

    What's on tap for 2008?

    ^this Quote: Originally Posted by mwallace573 Does it sound more like her first album or her later albums?
  4. Floodedstatue

    What's on tap for 2008?

    Goldfrapp - Seventh Tree (due Feb 2008) It's leaked. It's majestic.
  5. Floodedstatue


    Quote: Originally Posted by Thelonious Monk yeah. deadwing is their best easily. fear of a blank planet's also lyrically bad, boring structures and lots of filler. i'd rather just get actual metal rather than watered down crap on foabp. This is all your opinion. And it's...
  6. Floodedstatue


    Quote: Originally Posted by Thelonious Monk this is a very bad album, i don't know how any porcupine tree fan can like it. Given that it's the biggest selling and most critically-acclaimed PT release to date, that most fans seem to enjoy it, and that new fans are being drawn to...
  7. Floodedstatue


    I was in a rut myself a few years back, before I discovered.... Porcupine Tree Hard to pigeon-hole as their sound has evolved, but kinda like a blend of Pink Floyd / Tool / King Crimson with some acousticy bits thrown in for variety. Mostly dark and moody with washes of mellotron, sad...
  8. Floodedstatue

    Melodic Rock

    Camel = Win 'A Live Record' = Camelwin x2
  9. Floodedstatue

    What 2007 albums are you waiting for?

    Porcupine Tree - Nil Recurring EP Oceansize - Frames Riverside - Rapid Eye Movement Ulver - Shadows Of The Sun Blackfield - Live in New York City DVD Opeth - The Roundhouse Tapes (Live 2CD)
  10. Floodedstatue

    Amazing Music Recommendations...From A to Z

    Mew - ...And The Glass Handed Kites of the most hideous album covers of all time. Thankfully the music is fully up to scratch! Another album-lovers album: it flows seamlessly from song to song. The music is quite unique but comprises elements of My Bloody Valentine...
  11. Floodedstatue

    Need some new Metal, BAD!

    Not metal, but heavy-ish and right up your boulevard methinks...
  12. Floodedstatue

    Amazing Music Recommendations...From A to Z

    Immune - 1/f A modern rock record that is actually progressive (take note Dream Theater!) This album shifts in mood and dynamics, sprawling with odd time signatures and a great sense of melody. Feels like a single work rather than a collection of songs. Highly recommended. For fans of...
  13. Floodedstatue

    Radioheads new album?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Gizmo90 Will it be good? I'm having doubts, but lets hope I'm wrong. I have no doubts it will be good...the question for me is "how good will it be?"
  14. Floodedstatue

    Best of 2007 so far

    Another top album: Devin Townsend - Ziltoid The Omniscient
  15. Floodedstatue

    Best of 2007 so far

    Quote: Originally Posted by Mr00000 Year Zero = win. Agreed Porcupine Tree - Fear of a Blank Planet = win x2 Also enjoying the new albums from Machine Head and 65daysofstatic