Recent content by fante7
  1. fante7

    Help Me Find Classic Progressive Rock:

    Quote: Originally Posted by kwitel Would you say that Mahavishnu is similar to the Mars Volta? No, they are not similar. The Mahvishnu Orchestra is absolutely incredible, get both The Inner Mounting Flame and Birds of Fire. The Mars Volta is overrated.
  2. fante7

    Heavy Classical Music

    My best recommendation would be Shostakovich 8. That is a really dark and violent piece of music. I have the version on Decca with Haitink conducting the Concertgebouw orchestra; great performance and sound quality.
  3. fante7

    Worst (serious) CD comments ever?

    Heh, I just came across this review of King Crimson's Thrak: Reviewer:Christopher Schneider "scibookguy" (New Jersey) - See all my reviews (REAL NAME) Your wife just left you for another species. Your greyhound has contracted STD's from your neighbor's poodle. The state government has...
  4. fante7

    do you like LTE or dream theater? check out sympony x...

    Quote: Originally Posted by kwitel What kind of music is LTE? Ive never heard anything by them...any cheesy riffs? Lots of cheesy riffs. LTE is not terrible, but there is much better music out there. Symphony X is alright, I've met them and they're pretty cool. They have some...
  5. fante7

    What is your favorite restaurant?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Oistrakh I enjoy a good Papa Ginos and Chinese Buffet Why do you keep reviving 3 year old threads?
  6. fante7

    Going to Washington DC

    I've taken a large number of vacations in DC (used to go every Memorial Day weekend) and I've hit almost all of the important tourist locations (and plenty of less important ones). I've never been to the Pentagon though. I'll add one coherent point - the National Cathedral was pretty cool IIRC -...
  7. fante7

    Best "new age" album ever?

    How about my avatar?
  8. fante7

    Happy Birthday Fante7!

    Thanks everyone Hmm, what's that hoppy smell coming from my amp? Ah whatever I didn't prove the Riemann Hypothesis because it's too easy. I was too busy proving that I'm of age to bartenders. That being said, I had a nice night out drinking with my friends at midnight right when I...
  9. fante7

    MD/DC/VA Meet March 18th

    I will be available on the 18th, and if the right person goes, I can bum a ride with him and go.
  10. fante7

    Sennheiser is getting annoying...

    Why does it matter?
  11. fante7

    Longest Palindrome Ever

    Quote: Originally Posted by mjg Brute force algorithms... That's a good one. Hey fante7, how much does this remind you of that strange generated e-mail i showed u not too long ago? Ohh yeah, I just remembered that. Definitely generated by a computer.
  12. fante7

    I want more music like Zappa, Waits...

    You might like Todd Rundgren. Check out A Wizard, A True Star and Todd.
  13. fante7

    My baby's gone for good...

    I really, really, really hope your original post was not completely serious.
  14. fante7

    Frank Zappa appreciation thread

    Frank Zappa is fantastic. I want to hear his whole catalogue but I'm having a lot of trouble finding good prices for Zappa CDs, even used. Any suggestions? In particular I want to hear what all the fuss about Civilization Phaze III is about.
  15. fante7

    Ivy League Colleges

    Quote: Originally Posted by Oistrakh wow, getting into MIT must not be that difficult if they allow people with GPA of 3.5 I thought you had to have GPA of 3.9 or 4 ro get in... Wow, you really are an idiot.