Recent content by Famouse
  1. Famouse

    Foobar vs. Spotify?

    Got it, will spotify still play local files in lower quality if there local files?
  2. Famouse

    Foobar vs. Spotify?

     Is there any difference in sound quality between the two, wondering which player to use. I don't have spotify premium if that matters.
  3. Famouse

    Amp question

    Quote: Okay sounds like a plan, what would you recommend the total bithead or the O2 for someone who listens to some rock, breakcore, garage, and traditional dubstep (burial, skream, mala, etc.)? Would you say the k240's should have an amp or is it not so necessary?
  4. Famouse

    Amp question

    Note: I'm not to experienced or knowledgeable about amps so please excuse me if I make a stupid.   Okay, I was originally going to just get an e6 but I realized that I wouldn't really use it much for on the go. Now I'm wondering what would be a good amp (or DAC whatever) for at home use and...
  5. Famouse

    Headphones for Dubstep/House?

    The Ultrasone HFI 580s fits your needs, maybe not the most style-ish.
  6. Famouse

    ++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum

    Quote: Have you heard the 439, it'd be nice to know the reasons why you picked that out of the three. The pro dj100s I've looked at but I was worried about the bass quantity, would an e6 be enough to fix that? Another problem is its usually $80, I've seen it at $50 before though.  ...
  7. Famouse

    ++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum

    Okay, I plan on getting a new pair of headphones. Uses: Music Budget: around $50 (can go a little above, about a max of $60) Types of Music: piano rock, rock, traditional dubstep, dub, breakcore, dnb, trance, and ton more electro music Notes: I'd like something with decent bass (a good...
  8. Famouse

    RP-HTF600 vs. other headphones.

    I've never owned xb500's but I can say these are pretty darn comfy. I wear them for hours on end without any discomfort, they can be a little hot but it isn't so bad.
  9. Famouse

    RP-HTF600 vs. other headphones.

    I got a pair of htf 600s they're comfy, good bass for the price, but they feel a little flimsy (don't worry though they are fairly durable still). They do leak some sound though, so that may be a problem.
  10. Famouse

    ++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum

    Hello, looking for some budget headphones.   Budget: Around $30 (I know it isn't much but it's all I can spend) Sound: I like bass, but don't want to sacrifice too much from mid and highs for bass. isolation: I'd prefer a decent amount of isolation but I'm more worried about sound and...