Recent content by EstebanR
  1. EstebanR

    Looking for Portable Amp to use with JVC HA-FX101

    how about the sound? its better?
  2. EstebanR

    Android phones and USB DACs

    Hi im new here, i want to ask if i can connect a Fiio E11K to my xperia Z, does it work fine? have a noticiable improvoment or just  a little, i will be using  it with JVC HA-FX 101, thanks a lot
  3. EstebanR

    Pictures of Your *Budget-Fi* Portable Rig (< $200)

    Hi nice rig, how about the improvement of sound using the E6 amp, i have the same Walkman and im waiting for a JVC HA-FX 101, and i wonder if it worth use an amp with this low end DAP, thnkas
  4. EstebanR

    New Member Introductions thread

    Hello im esteban from colombia, im 27, i've been always a music lover, and kind of audiophile, i have a turtle beach xp500 5.1 surround gaming headphones, and im waiting for a jvc HA-FX 101 it will arrive soon, i hope to learn a lot fo this forum. see u