Recent content by ee-yun
  1. ee-yun

    DAP setup best matched with M50

    What do you guys know of Direct Sound. I'm looking at the Serenity II. Doesn't appear to have too much literature on head fi
  2. ee-yun

    DAP setup best matched with M50

    I'd mostly be using the headphones while on the subway or on the go so it would be swell if they blocked out the sounds of loud crazy people and honking car horns
  3. ee-yun

    DAP setup best matched with M50

    Dear Internet Friends,   I am becoming increasingly skeptical with the M50Xs.  All my bases are shifting under me.  My audio world is collapsing all around me.  I'm rethinking the M50Xs and all the Audio Technica headphones to be honest.     I'm reading about the the Audio Technica's...
  4. ee-yun

    DAP setup best matched with M50

    B&H:   "Due to export regulations and/or manufacturers restrictions, we are unable to accept orders with a shipping address in CANADA for the following item(s)"       I have not lost hope though!  I have emailed the Amazon of 'murika and Sonic Sense.  I'm trying to find a vendor here that...
  5. ee-yun

    DAP setup best matched with M50

    Do you guys have a suggestion for something like the M50X but with a bigger sound stage? I know you generally don't get that with closed but I'm wondering if you guys can think of any
  6. ee-yun

    DAP setup best matched with M50

    OK!  So I have been to the stores and tried out a few headphones.  Unfortunately, the salesman at one store really didn't care and was basically rushing me to either make a purchase or get out.         So per @cel4145 's suggestion, I took some notes and will present to you my findings...
  7. ee-yun

    DAP setup best matched with M50

    "Hello from I understand your concern that you wish to know about return policy for over-the-ear headphones. You can return most new, opened items sold and fulfilled by within 30 days of delivery for a full refund. If you decide to order the item from our site and find...
  8. ee-yun

    DAP setup best matched with M50

    I just sent out an email to to see what their return policy was for headphones. Hopefully they say I can keep them and they'll give me my money back. We lived in a golden age, my friend. It was a time when Pokemon was served to us in colors. I still to this day reminisce about opening...
  9. ee-yun

    DAP setup best matched with M50

    According to my graphing calculator, your math checks out. So what you're saying is... go to the store, grab a pair of headphones, log onto Sonic sense and try those specific headphones in the resources center to make sure they have the matching range (jokinggggg hehe) Well, I've already...
  10. ee-yun

    DAP setup best matched with M50

    YES! DIRECTION! I'm going to go tonight after work. Gonna try them all! Going in with an Ash Ketchum mentality
  11. ee-yun

    DAP setup best matched with M50

    lol also, my friend was not correct. Bay Bloor does still have a demo rack. ANNDDDD i just made a fool of myself on the interwebs
  12. ee-yun

    DAP setup best matched with M50

    I sit corrected! They do offer demos at Long and McQuades. Not sure what happened with Bay Bloor :(
  13. ee-yun

    DAP setup best matched with M50

    I was looking at the return policy at Future shop ( and it shows I also went to Canada computers and the guy at the desk said if I bought a pair of headphones that did not have a seal or with a seal broken could not be...
  14. ee-yun

    DAP setup best matched with M50

    I just tried to note the change in the sound. I found the model number of my JVC. It's the HA-X570. I played them through my Logitech z cinema speakers. Unfortunately here in Canada, you can't go to a store and try display headphones. It's some health thing. Also makes it hard to try...
  15. ee-yun

    DAP setup best matched with M50

    I went to the Sonic Sense website and went to their resource center to hear the different headphones. One thing I learned while listening was between the M40X and the M50X. I actually really liked the M40Xs more. I felt like everytime I switched from the M50X to the M40X, the sounds just boomed...