Recent content by Ear-Wax
  1. Ear-Wax

    Exceptional in Every Detail: Say Hello to the IE 600

    I personally have no problem with IE600 stock cable microphonics provided it's clipped to my shirt with the included clip. YMMV.
  2. Ear-Wax

    Apple Lightning Dongle

    Ditto. Just last week I unplugged my Focal Clear's from my RME ADI-2 DAC FS and plugged them into my long forgotten Apple lightning dongle connected to my iPhone 12 Pro Max to stream Apple Music while dusting my office. My jaw dropped. Befuddled I quickly switched back to the RME and heard - NO...
  3. Ear-Wax

    Asus Essence One Headphone Amp/DAC (CeBIT 2011)

    Quote: Truly great customer service! I too love my Muses and after just a week of ownership I am amazed about the SQ to my HD650's every time I fire them up.   IMO there is no better DAC combo in this price range. What cans are you driving in this photo? HD800's?   Cheers!
  4. Ear-Wax

    Amarra Hifi or Decibel or Aurdivana Plus for Mac

    Quote: Have you tried Fidelia? I've auditioned Amarra and Audirvana Plus as well as Pure Music and found that Fidelia offered the most value in terms of SQ and features for the money. It has an entry price of only $20 and even adding the advanced module and FHX crossfeed module it's still a...
  5. Ear-Wax

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    Quote: Stoney, to assume that I am new or even a beginner in this domain is, well, just "ignorant" if I may quote you.   I have been working actively in the professional audio recording business, both live and in-studio in Europe and North America since 1984. It's only since the latter...
  6. Ear-Wax

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    Quote: The durability argument I can somewhat understand but in a non-professional home environment there is still probably not enough stresses put on HP cables day-to-day to warrant the outlandish cost some third party cable vendors command for their products...
  7. Ear-Wax

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    Let me preface this post, I honestly don't mean to offend anyone who spends their hard earned money on third party aftermarket HP cables but I don't understand why anyone would want to...   I work for the largest media broadcasting company in Canada in the broadcast engineering department...
  8. Ear-Wax

    FiiO E17 "ALPEN" - First Impression + Final Thought

    Quote: Well, I did more than just a step up so to speak. I picked up the Asus Essence One Muses edition second hand for a really good price. This DAC is simply amazing and can easily match Boutique DAC's in SQ that are twice the price.   My HD650's are finally able to show their true...
  9. Ear-Wax

    New here!

    Well, after just one week with the E17/E9k I returned both to the retailer for a refund. Nothing wrong build wise, initially I was impressed but the more time spent listening to this combo the more it left me wanting for more - much more....   I found the Asus Xonar Essence One Muses edition...
  10. Ear-Wax

    FiiO E17 "ALPEN" - First Impression + Final Thought

    The E17/E09 is an affordable "entry" setup into desktop DAC audio but I found that after just one week with this combo it left me wanting for more so I returned my FiiO gear to the store yesterday for a refund.
  11. Ear-Wax

    DAC + AMP for HD650 in 300 EUR BUDGET

    Good choice! I also just got started with the HD650 and E17/e9k combo as well and I am very pleased with the SQ to $ ratio.   Cheers!
  12. Ear-Wax

    New here!

    Hi all! I've been reading thousands of posts over the last week trying to decide what cans to buy and just two days ago I picked up s pair of HD650's and the E17/E9k combo for starters. I'm also evaluating Audirvana + on my i7 Mac mini and so far I'm hugely impressed by this affordable little...