Head Gear Reviews by E8ArmyDiver
  1. APPJ PA1502A 6N4+6P6PX2 tube headphone amplifier black

    4.50 star(s)
                                  This is an Auto Biasing, Solid State Rectified,Class A Single Ended Triode(12AX7) driving a pair of Triode Strapped 6V6 Power Tubes.Power output was quoted to be 1000mW into 32 ohms(High Gain).Hi Gain drives 400i's with authority & plenty of headroom..Power also drops off big time into higher impedance so probably not a good amp for them.   Build quality is excellent & at this price point I would say superb.Really looks like a $1000.00 amp!All panels are straight & line up perfectly.Ceramic...
  2. Schiit Vali

    0.50 star(s)
    Short & sweet.If you own this amp or are getting this amp you MUST isolate it from vibration for it to work to it's fullest potential!With the chassis properly damped the tubes are stable,microphonic ringing & tube rush vanish & the music flows from a black background!Use damping material underneath(cork is cheap & works great) & a heavy weight on top(DON'T COVER VENT HOLES).Leave undisturbed for 12 hours+ so everything can settle.I CAN NOT UNDERSTATE HOW IMPORTANT VIBRATION CONTROL IS if you really want to hear this amp at it's best.Here is my set...