Recent content by Dummedanne
  1. Dummedanne

    Bright amp suggestion for hd-650.

    will i notice a big difference in quality compared to the headphone amp in my EMU 0404 if i buy a used amp for $200 or is it to little t spend?
  2. Dummedanne

    Bright amp suggestion for hd-650.

    hmm, maybe i was a bit too fast when i wrote. I like the sennheiser 650´s but i wouldnt like them to be darker when buying an amp, rather brighter in that case.
  3. Dummedanne

    Bright amp suggestion for hd-650.

    Hi! I just bought my first serious headphones and need som help. Im looking for a headphone amp for hd-650, used at most $200. Since i like an analytic sound id like an amp with lots of details and a no color. Im afraid that if a pair the hd-650 with a tube amp it will be too dark for...
  4. Dummedanne

    Closed headphonesfor use in car!?

    are those comfortable or like cheaper ones that comes with cheap mp3 player? I dont want it to feel like two rocks i my ears. How are the sound quality of these compared to usual?
  5. Dummedanne

    Closed headphonesfor use in car!?

    hehe, no i wasnt planning to do that, dont even have a drive licence, hehe. Thanks, other idas?
  6. Dummedanne

    Closed headphonesfor use in car!?

    hello Im in need of heaphones to my laptop. I will use them at home mostly but they have to work in the car, listenig to music, wathing movies etc. Therefore i was thinking that closed ones would be best. Also good if they are comfortable ofcourse. So, most for the $ at maximum 50 - 60 $...
  7. Dummedanne good?

    i have philips hp840 at them moment. WIll change to closed ones. ANy ideas of headphones, closed around 50$ (all i can afford atm)..
  8. Dummedanne good?

    this might be a hard question (hopefully my last) to answer but here it goes. will it make it just a litle bit higher or much higher? i mean will i have to max it?
  9. Dummedanne good?

    ofcourse i do, but since i dont really have a lot of money it has to be second. Most important is that i can actually hear something What about the soundquality of these?
  10. Dummedanne good?

    im looking for and amp that will increase the volume from my laptop. When watching movies or music in the car I barely cant hear a thing (integrated soundcard btw). I just have two simple questions for you; 1. will these help me? 2. is the price alright?