Recent content by duffer5
  1. duffer5

    Audio-GD DI-20

    No problem. Same for the Rose. Lots of people love that device. I moved on quietly even though I had major operational issues, not an issue with Rose as a company. They are trying their best. Not for me to rain on peoples parade.
  2. duffer5

    Audio-GD DI-20

    I deleted post because they did not add value. I felt like I was more concerned about complaining than actually informing. This group are fans of Audio—gd and who am I to deter that. Thus the post deletes. .
  3. duffer5

    Audio-GD DI-20

    What in the heck are you talking about. I was thankful for your help. Did I somehow offend you.
  4. duffer5

    Audio-GD DI-20

    Nope. Got rid of rose too. I tried the Holo May as well. It worked and it worked with all my sources.
  5. duffer5

    Audio-GD DI-20

    Mola Mola.
  6. duffer5

    Audio-GD DI-20

    Yes. Worked on all other sources for pcm and dsd from the A-GD DAC except i2s keeping in mind i2s is its own board. Tried several streamers and all had the same issue. Changed out A-GD DAC issue went away immediately. I am not an engineer so I can’t even hypothesize as to what the issue was...
  7. duffer5

    Audio-GD DI-20

    I tried several sources. All had the same issue. And Rose never responded. So I am at a loss. I have moved on regardless. Thank you for the input though. I appreciate your help.
  8. duffer5

    Audio-GD DI-20

    wrong thread
  9. duffer5

    Audio-gd DI24/DI24HE

    wrong thread
  10. duffer5

    Audio-gd DI24/DI24HE

    post deleted by me.
  11. duffer5

    Audio-gd DI24/DI24HE

    post deleted by me.
  12. duffer5

    Audio-gd DI24/DI24HE

    post deleted by me.
  13. duffer5

    Audio-gd DI24/DI24HE

    post deleted by me.
  14. duffer5

    My Horrible Audio-GD Experience

    Wrong thread. Post deleted by user.