Recent content by Dondoh
  1. Dondoh

    denon d-1000 vs grado sr-60 unamped

    And another thing.... Do not accidentally get the Sony MDR - V600 instead of the MDR - V6. I have 20 or so V600s at my job. They are durable and comfy, but sound quality is lackluster.
  2. Dondoh

    denon d-1000 vs grado sr-60 unamped

    Like bleak I own both a lower end Grado (the 80s in my case) and the D1000s. I agree with all of bleak's points comparing them. Denons have a shorter cable, but they also include an extension that would cover a whole dorm room if he needs it. Deeper, stronger bass in the Denons. Faster...
  3. Dondoh

    Horrific Ear Wax Story

    I have cleaned my ears many times with hydrogen peroxide. It foams, and after repeated cleansings over a week's time will remove frightening things from your ears. I am not a doctor, and my hearing is going away, so take what I say for what it is, anecdotal advice.
  4. Dondoh

    Horrific Ear Wax Story

    Save the wax. If you can get one out of the other ear, you could use them for custom IEM molds....
  5. Dondoh

    The Spring 2008 HD580 Free Giveaway*** WINNER = LuckyKarma

    Reginald had been perplexed lately. His wife Phoebe had seemed distracted to the point of disinterest. He longed for the days where her every thought was bent toward him. At dinner he decided that it was time to broach the topic of her newfound distance from him. "Anything on your mind Phebes...
  6. Dondoh

    How To Quarter Mod? (Senn 414pads + Grado SR225)

    I just received some senn pads for my grados this weekend. I didn't find the bowls totally uncomfy, but the senn pads feel a LOT better to me. I have not quarter modded them yet, and I am not sure I will.
  7. Dondoh

    Upgrade from Denon d1000 to d2000?

    If I upgrade from D1000 to D2000, what improvements should I expect? I like the 1000s. My only criticisms are that the mids are a little recessed on occasion and the bass is big but can be a tad sloppy. Will these conditions improve in the 2000s? Must I have an amp for the 2000s? Thanks as...
  8. Dondoh

    SR225 vs SR80 Correct me if I am wrong...

    And another thing... Are the 225s the bassiest grados? Seems like they are by the reviews at headphonereviews... But there aren't enough reviews to give a statistically significant impression...
  9. Dondoh

    SR225 vs SR80 Correct me if I am wrong...

    I have recently been sucked into the wallet-depletion vortex we laughingly call head-fi. I decided to buy a range of mid-level phones to see which I liked. I bought Goldring DR150s, Senn 595s, Grado SR80s and Denon AD1000s (also marshmallows and ksc70s but that is a different matter....) The...
  10. Dondoh


    I am moving to a new house. The water pressure is fine, but not terrific. I also will be on a septic tank system, so I have good reason to restrict water. I love a good shower. Any suggestions for a good low-flow shower head experience? Up until now it has been a case of simply removing...
  11. Dondoh

    Buying 1st replacement foam. Help!

    I am going to buy replacements for the foam on my marshmallows. This is my first trip into replacement foams. First, What do you guys recommend to replace the foams on Marshmallows? Second, What size should I get? They seal pretty well with the stock foams, but I suspect I could go size...
  12. Dondoh

    I've been dizzy for days...

    You might try the Epley manuever. BPPV -- Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo Or google epley manuever. GL
  13. Dondoh

    Got my Etymotic Er6i but I still hear noise...

    Shifter, there have been lots of posts by folks who are eminently more qualified to give an opinion already but here goes.... One of your posts suggest Grados. They are great phones but have no isolation whatsoever. Others have suggested IEMs, but you said you want phones that are comfortable...
  14. Dondoh

    Best IEMs for 100 bucks

    Currently 3 sellers on Amazon for 49.95
  15. Dondoh

    Headphones for classical and oldies as a gift (female), ~$120 budget

    Does she like hi-fi sound? Most civilians (non-headfi types) that I know couldn't care less about the improvements in sound you get by moving up the headphone ladder. For instance, my wife would be as happy with her sennheiser pmx60s as with sennheiser hd-650s. In fact she would like the...