Recent content by djviciouscycle
  1. djviciouscycle

    Headphones for movies <$100

    The Audio-Technica ATH-AD700 headphones sound great with movies, and they are fairly inexpensive.  They have a wide-open design, but at reasonable listening levels, they won't wake someone in a different room.
  2. djviciouscycle

    New AKG Headphones "By Tiësto"

    I'm pretty stoked about these new headphones.  I've been listening to Tiesto since 1998, but I haven't kept up with his recent stuff.  He plays regularly in my hometown, and I've never gone to see him.  I gave up on checking out my favorite electronic DJs and producers in the last few years...
  3. djviciouscycle

    Hearing loss prevention

    I keep the volume very low when listening.  Very low.  I'm a musician, and I have to preserve my ears.
  4. djviciouscycle

    Denon d5000 vs ultrasone pro 900 (in terms of bass)

    Most bassy headphones have too much low midrange for my taste.  I like to take any old set of headphones, use an EQ to trim the 100Hz to 500Hz, and turn up the volume a little.  This works well for getting a good bass response, even from crappy headphones or computer speakers.  I have not tried...
  5. djviciouscycle

    Guitar amp phones $100

    When playing your guitar through headphones, it will be necessary to EQ, regardless of which headphones you choose.  Try this:  Play a lead run on the high-fretted notes through your guitar amp/speaker(s).  After you select your headphones, play the same run through the headphones.  You will...
  6. djviciouscycle

    ATH-AD700 Issue

    I get a little distortion in the sound of the AD700 when playing through certain players.  Through my iPod Touch, Aiwa bookshelf stereo, and computers, no prob.  But I get graininess on some notes when plugged into my TEAC standalone CD player.
  7. djviciouscycle

    Best headphones for rock, metal?

    My favorites for rock are the Pioneer HDJ-1000.  They have this upper midrange spike which accentuates distorted guitars in a nice way.   I've never tried Grados, but I think it might be worth it for me to hear some.
  8. djviciouscycle

    Studio Headphones?

    I would consider the Sony MDR-V6 (7506), since they would give you little bits of everything.   The Sennheiser 280 are great for studio work, since they have a really neutral frequency response.  However, for that reason, they're not always satisfying when bass is desired.   The Pioneer...
  9. djviciouscycle

    Headphones that look better than Beats?

    Oooh, too late.  I didn't like the Aviators, but I probably have dfferent taste than your woman.
  10. djviciouscycle

    Headphones that look better than Beats?

    In terms of looks (and sound), I'm quite partial to DJ headphones.  They look so cool to me, and I love the sounds.  The Allen & Heath Xone: XD53 look awesome, and they sound amazing with my laptop, DJ gear, CD player, and home theater; but they don't sound good straight from an iPod (if that's...
  11. djviciouscycle

    Please help with "Upgradeitis"!

    This is how I manage my upgraditis:  (since my obsessions involve DJ gear, home theater, home audio, guitar gear, bass guitar gear, ...  ...  I have to actively manage this)   1.  make a list of EVERYTHING you want on paper (actually, I use the "notes" app on my iPod touch) 2. rank them in...
  12. djviciouscycle

    much hate about bose?

    Bose products are high-end consumer-grade, and they are priced as such.  I don't share the hatred, but I don't use Bose.  The sound of their stuff is fun, but it is far from audiophile quality.  I think people like my parents would appreciate Bose the most:  cool toys that you can plug n play. ...
  13. djviciouscycle

    Need some headphone recommendations...

    Quote: This is what I was going to recommend.  The AD700 is my only fully open headphone, and it works great for movies.  The cable is really long (about 10ft., I think).
  14. djviciouscycle

    headphones for watching movies

    Has anyone tried watching movies with the JVC HA-RX700?