Recent content by djestouff
  1. djestouff

    Klipsh S4 vs ER6i vs MC5 vs RE0

    what did you end up going with?
  2. djestouff

    Looking for great passive isolation <$100

    Hi all, my Shure E3Cs finally crapped out on me so I'm looking for some replacements.  I would like something with good passive isolation and build quality.    I will be using them without an amplifier, mostly with an iPhone and laptop.  I don't think I want to continue with Shure because...
  3. djestouff

    THIRD pair of E3c's.. this is ridiculous

    Quote: Originally Posted by Lunchbox2 djestouff- I completely understand where you're coming from. I have a pair of e2c's that I absolutely LOVE. Thing is, its actually my 3rd pair. And I didn't lose one. Every pair of e2c's i've owned, the cable has cracked right where your picture...
  4. djestouff

    THIRD pair of E3c's.. this is ridiculous

    Quote: Originally Posted by xkRoWx Looking at all those plastic cabinets and drawers behind you, I'd assume that you're pretty handy in DIY. If my assumption is right, why not try recabling it with a different cable that is more flexible? Bear in mind that the cable might get very...
  5. djestouff

    THIRD pair of E3c's.. this is ridiculous

    Whats up everyone. I wanted to share some of my frustration and hopefully get some recommendations. I have been using E3c's for the past 3 years and for the most part i love them. While its true they can be a little lacking in lows and highs, a little EQ on my good ol' iriver hp120 has them...