Recent content by crossjeremiah
  1. crossjeremiah

    Toxic Cables - Impressions and Discussion Thread

    Can anyone fix this or is this cable gone. I'll pay 40$+ or best offer
  2. crossjeremiah

    Toxic Cables - Impressions and Discussion Thread

    Ya i have viablue connected to mine. I'm gonna send my cable to a guy in utah to resolder the recessed connectors. unless someone could do it cheaper that $45. I would get a stock cable. but i spent a bit on these cables
  3. crossjeremiah

    Toxic Cables - Impressions and Discussion Thread

    does anyone know where i can get these toxic diy cables repaired. my interconnects are keep shorting out so i dont get sound in my left and right. I assume its a fast solder job
  4. crossjeremiah

    Recommend me some subs

    So I just bought a UTurn Audio Vinyl player and a pair of Airmotiv 6s. I just need subs for to fill in those super lows, of the music I listen to. I was looking at Outlaw M8s and STF1s or probably go budget and Dayton subs. So if anyone can give me feed back on what subwoofers to buy I'd...
  5. crossjeremiah

    Review by 'crossjeremiah' on item 'Asus Xonar DGX'

    Ok I bought this card just for my Schiit Gungnir because my optical output on my motherboard broke off. So I went to microcenter and picked up this guy, the associate tried to sale me and crappy recon3d I knew this guy had no idea what he was talking about because creative cards are mostly codec...
  6. crossjeremiah

    So my optical output on my realtek broke

    nah toslink is the best for me and my gungnir.  im just going to buy one of these if anyone have any cheaper ideas or experience with other soundcards with...
  7. crossjeremiah

    So my optical output on my realtek broke

    I'm looking for a good optical output for my Schiit Gungnir and bryston bha-1 .   will this suffice ? or should I get a somewhat decent pcie soundcard. the realtek did fine. I just don't want to...
  8. crossjeremiah

    Anyone here use an E-Cig?

    I personally love my provari . You can change the voltage from 2.9 all the way to 6 . Most dealers let you try the ecig and flavors at the shop. Get a subtle flavor for an all day vape. Like nutty flavor or expresso. Gizmodo doesn't know what they are talking about, its like reading a review...
  9. crossjeremiah

    Amp recommendations for Audeze LCD-2

    i've done extensive research from scouring all the threads for anything bha-1 related or mjolnir. apparently dallas headfi meet did a survey on the mjolnir vs the bryston . bryston won performance wise but mjolnir won price value for how much it cost. i wanted versatility as in i wanted the...
  10. crossjeremiah

    Westone 4 Impressions and Reviews Thread

    should i get larger tips cause the tsx-100 dont isolate enough.
  11. crossjeremiah

    Anyone here use an E-Cig?

    Pro-vari is the best e-cig you can buy.    E-go twists 510s are pretty good starters in my opinion. I wouldn't go with volcano cause they are just some generic company i bought a starter kit from them, their products are cheaply made    Pros to smoking a e cig   - You get the...
  12. crossjeremiah

    Non-audiophile reactions to high-end headphones

    300$ speaker set up? Where do you shop
  13. crossjeremiah

    Amp recommendations for Audeze LCD-2

    Go for bha 1 for versatility you get mini output on those. edit: just got bha-1 . galen audio provided free pralines with it mmm & they offered to let me try their high end power cables.. i might call them up and give it a try. this amp is miles away from my singlepower mpx3. just what i...
  14. crossjeremiah

    Westone 4 Impressions and Reviews Thread

    they block ambient and environmental noise if your music is playing. i have tx 100 tips i can still hear ramblings and nonsense of the coworkers talking about cornbread....
  15. crossjeremiah

    Schiit Gungnir DAC

    Figures that tube amps aren't my forte. Too smooth and romantic for me . The single power it self