Recent content by Craptaculus XVI
  1. Craptaculus XVI

    Official 2014 SF Head-Fi Meet Impressions Thread

    Impressions..??  I made the horrible mistake of bringing my credit cards.  Walked out with the demo pair of the Mad Dogs Pro.  Yeah, I was impressed...  And I don't even listen to EDM...     Wasn't as blown away by the HiFiman HE560's (paired with the Burson DAC/amp) as I thought I would be...
  2. Craptaculus XVI

    Official 2014 Bay Area Meet - SUNDAY - Feb 16th, 2014

    Hi everyone... been lurking here for months, just soaking up the info.  I think I can make the meet on Sunday the 16th, but probably for just the afternoon session.   I've currently got a pair of Senn Momentums and Denon D2000's with missing pivot bolt, Shure SE535's, a Centrance DACport (Hi...