Recent content by Computer Lounge
  1. Computer Lounge

    Kennerton ODIN, MAGISTER, VALI, Magni, Gjallarhorn, Rögnir, Thridi, Wodan, Thekk, and Thror Discussion.

    How recently did you contact them? I've found them to be very quick to respond to messages, I consistently get replies the next day (and that is only because I am on the opposite side of the world). I can PM you the email address of the guy that I deal with if you'd like? // Alex
  2. Computer Lounge

    Kennerton ODIN, MAGISTER, VALI, Magni, Gjallarhorn, Rögnir, Thridi, Wodan, Thekk, and Thror Discussion.

    I must admit that from the photos, karelian birch is my favourite. Only a couple of days until we receive our Kennerton shipment! // Alex
  3. Computer Lounge

    Kennerton ODIN, MAGISTER, VALI, Magni, Gjallarhorn, Rögnir, Thridi, Wodan, Thekk, and Thror Discussion.

    Kennerton Audio Equipment just posted up some photos of the ODIN Mk3 (Thridi) on their Facebook page. // Alex
  4. Computer Lounge

    Kennerton ODIN, MAGISTER, VALI, Magni, Gjallarhorn, Rögnir, Thridi, Wodan, Thekk, and Thror Discussion.

    I absolutely love the design, it is only the material that I don't like. I would have preferred a black anodised aluminum. // Alex
  5. Computer Lounge

    Kennerton ODIN, MAGISTER, VALI, Magni, Gjallarhorn, Rögnir, Thridi, Wodan, Thekk, and Thror Discussion.

    I listened to the Tror briefly and my only criticism is the material that they used for the grille. It is quite shiny and looks cheap. Despite this, I have placed my order and I look forward to trying them more in-depth. // Alex
  6. Computer Lounge

    Kennerton ODIN, MAGISTER, VALI, Magni, Gjallarhorn, Rögnir, Thridi, Wodan, Thekk, and Thror Discussion.

    eric65, what was the summary to the article? How did the Thror stack up to the rest? // Alex
  7. Computer Lounge

    Audeze mobius?

    I was blown away with Sennheiser's implementation of virtual surround sound in the GSX series amplifiers, so I am super excited to try these out! // Alex
  8. Computer Lounge

    Audeze mobius?

    How is the volume on the SINEs with your D.I.Y. Bluetooth solution? In my experience due to low sensitivity, the SINES are quite difficult to drive. My Oppo HA2-SE runs on near max volume and runs flat in only a few hours. // Alex
  9. Computer Lounge

    HD700 a good upgrade from HD650 in terms of games?

    The GSP600 impressed me also. I've never been a big fan of the GAME Zero, but the successor seems to be an improvement on all fronts. I recently got the chance to listen to the GSP500, which is the open-back version, replacing the Game One, and it sounded great also. // Alex
  10. Computer Lounge

    HD700 a good upgrade from HD650 in terms of games?

    I'm a Sennheiser reseller, and had a loooong conference call with the head of the Sennheiser Gaming division about their gaming range, and what they have done to tune the sound signature. What he said lines up with my own testing. Headphones that work well for gaming typically have a near...
  11. Computer Lounge

    HD700 a good upgrade from HD650 in terms of games?

    I've tried 50+ audiophile-grade headphones for gaming, and the Beyerdynamic DT990 is by far the best overall. The HD800 is great, as is the HD700, but if you want to be truly immersed, you need a slightly elevated bass response IMO. // Alex
  12. Computer Lounge

    NZ Headphone Meet - Listen to the HE1 Orpheus on 06/03/18!

    I can completely understand why that would have given you a fright! The DT990s are going to be my next pair of headphones, without a doubt. // Alex
  13. Computer Lounge

    Audeze mobius?

    I'm beyond excited for the launch, if Audeze pull this off it could be a real game changer :L3000: // Alex
  14. Computer Lounge

    NZ Headphone Meet - Listen to the HE1 Orpheus on 06/03/18!

    Glad to hear that you finally made Matt. Make sure to follow our activity on Head-Fi. This forum will be the first place I post if we do any exclusive demo sessions of new product etc. Wow! I wouldn't have expected that drastic of an effect! I mean, I love the DT990s, but I wouldn't have...